Welp, it had to happen eventually. Somebody will want to talk politics so here it is. This is specifically for US Politics
Question for onlookers: How does everybody lean politically?
2w ago Politics
@Stigma Speak up against this whenever opportunity to arises. Time was, people were afraid of being called "an antisemite" if they spoke against Israel in any way. Israel and its allies and minions have pretty much ruined that condition they enjoyed for decades. A good deflection: "I'm not against Jews, I'm against Zionists!"
I was thinking earlier how not too long ago in American history, "being Jewish" was used to actively discriminate against individuals and groups. You might miss a promotion or get excluded from certain country clubs for "being Jewish." Now that is flipped on its head. High level celebrities and executives along with average Joes can lose their job or get kicked out of universities with no refund on their 5-6 figure tuition for speaking up against literally anything Israel does or uttering the words "Free Palestine."
Read More2w ago Politics
Trump has been making waves talking about annexing Mexico, Canada, the Panama Canal, and Greenland. This has predictably set off a flurry of discussion and hand-wringing.
Hot take: these are non-starters and even Trump realizes this. What people are NOT talking about when focused on Trump and his (patently stupid) remarks is the fact that Israel is currently actively and openly annexing parts of Gaza, Syria, and Lebanon that are internationally recognized as NOT belonging to Israel. Trump and most of Congress are openly funded in the hundreds of millions of dollars by Israeli interests like Aipac and Miriam Adelson, so the financial connection thus incentive structure stands out clear and in the open, not some murky conspiracy "theory" that relies on stacks of conjecture and unsupported assumptions.
Read More3w ago Politics
Nixon himself didn't do shit, except try to cover for his friends once they did.
As above, this is really whitewashing his Presidency, but I'll leave it at that rather than belabor the point. Far more important to focus on the discrepancy between your image of Trump as Best President Since Washington, and the realities of the man, his policies, and his donors and (somewhat resulting) cabinet.
One thing I must stand corrected upon: TIL that it was not Reagan but Carter and his National Security Advisor Zbigniew Brzezinski (not incidentally, a founding member of the Trilateral Commission) who initiated the funding of the Mujahideen which later gave rise to Osama Bin Laden and the Taliban.
3w ago Politics
@SeasonedRP Kind of a Scooby-Doo Villain defense. "My Presidency would have worked perfectly if not for these darn KIDS!" I say Nixon WAS corrupt and authoritarian in many ways, but would rather agree to disagree than go to the mat over this topic.
For fun, here's a bit of immersion into the 1974 Zeitgeist. The movie The Exorcist is pretty tame by today's standards, but it was outlandish and shocking at the time. The Catholic Church went out of their way to condemn it, and theaters reported that ushers had to clean vomit out of the aisles between screenings. Here's a comedy record that I first heard on the Dr. Demento show circa 1980: Perfectly Clear- The Nixorcist.
3w ago Politics
You're acting as an apologist for openly subverting the Democratic process... for Nixon of all people?!?
Nixon himself didn't do shit, except try to cover for his friends once they did.
every Democrat President (except maybe Carter) was far worse. They just had the media covering up for them.
I KNEW Kennedy would come up positively in the timeline I proposed.
I only mentioned him as the last time Americans seemed to love and be proud of their country before Reagan. Kennedy himself was corrupt as hell, and Vietnam was almost entirely his and LBJ's fault.
3w ago Politics
@MentORPHEUS You and @Typo-Magashiv both make good points though the Nixon one has been massively embellished by the press. Kennedy and Johnson misused government agencies many times worse than anything Nixon did, and Obama and his minions spying on Trump and the other attempts to take him out are simply in a different category of corruption altogether in terms of misusing government agencies. For some reason, the establishment wanted Nixon out and they got their wish. That playbook didn't work with Trump, and note that it wasn't just Obama-McCain and the republican establishment were fully on board and may have instigated it.
3w ago Politics
@Typo-MAGAshiv I appreciate you making a detailed case. However, I disagree about many of your claims.
Nixon's "corruption" was overhyped, and really only consisted of trying to cover for some people who tried to break into a hotel on his behalf.
No, he was notoriously paranoid and known for abusing government resources and agencies to spy on and harm his political enemies, as well as unlawful and authoritarian actions against citizens like Vietnam war objectors.
They were trying way to hard to find a way to cheat at an election he was going to win quite handily anyway.
You're acting as an apologist for openly subverting the Democratic process... for Nixon of all people?!?
Ford was clumsy. Oh no. That's about the only bad thing I've ever heard or read about him.
That's about the only thing TO read about him. His "term" was basically a comma between Nixon and Carter.
Reagan was awesome, though still overrated in some ways. His Star Wars program bankrupted the Soviet Union,
That's one of the ways he was overrated. It certainly enriched the military-industrial complex and put America on the Jingoist Neocon path that has taken over both parties at this point.
he restored a love for this country not seen since Kennedy.
Heh... I KNEW Kennedy would come up positively in the timeline I proposed. :P Reagan was loved by conservative Boomers and their parents to be sure, but Reaganomics came to get considered a pejorative to many entire classes of Americans not of the top quintiles. I was in the workforce later in his term and saw firsthand how behind all the flag-waving and America-Firsting, US companies, General Motors in particular, were putting out absolute GARBAGE product, and Boomer idealism alone was keeping their market share in existence at all. It was a mantra that "Environmental and fuel economy goals are unreachable and impossible and will RUIN the automotive industry!" Meanwhile, Japanese carmakers quietly went about making cars that totally met and exceeded the requirements and were still great to drive.
The first Bush got a raw deal. He wasn't that bad at all.
The hell he wasn't! I couldn't find it, but I had a great political cartoon of him drawn as GLOBOCOP. He kicked the Neocon and Military-Industrial complex agenda into high gear, and helped set up "US friendly assets" like Osama Bin Laden. The Bushes and Neocon foreign policy really helped piss off entire nations so badly that people were willing to die flying airplanes into the buildings representing American financial and military global dominance and fuckery.
Trump was the greatest President since Washington himself.
Bwahahaha... going for broke with the Hyperbole now!
I like Trump better now than at the start of his first term, but he's cast his lot and filled his cabinet with Zionists and his pockets with AIPAC money. I don't see how he's going to Make America Great Again with the Israel monkey on our back, but I hope he manages to pleasantly surprise us on this.
Read More3w ago Politics
Can you or anyone name (and support their case for) a US President who represents a "better human being overall" than Jimmy Carter since the end of WWII?
Richard Nixon, Gerald Ford, Ronald Reagan, George HW Bush, and Donald Trump.
Nixon's "corruption" was overhyped, and really only consisted of trying to cover for some people who tried to break into a hotel on his behalf. They were trying way to hard to find a way to cheat at an election he was going to win quite handily anyway. The whole thing was stupid on his part and overhyped by the media and democrats, and truly pales in comparison to the corruption of the Clinton, Obama, and Biden administrations.
Ford was clumsy. Oh no. That's about the only bad thing I've ever heard or read about him.
Reagan was awesome, though still overrated in some ways. His Star Wars program bankrupted the Soviet Union, and he restored a love for this country not seen since Kennedy.
The first Bush got a raw deal. He wasn't that bad at all.
Trump was the greatest President since Washington himself. Yes, he had a few fuckups like not pushing harder for the border wall before the democrats took over congress. But still, greatest President EVER. and my expectations were nil in 2016, 2017. I didn't really vote for him so much as against Hillary. Every "scandal" about him has turned out to be bullshit, only started to distract from his agenda.
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