@redpillschool I don't think it really makes any difference. Buy whatever fits budget and has utility.
@Jocbro We live in a time where saying there are two sexes is considered hate speech.
"Researcher" showed a bias within moments. Probably looking to do a hit piece for a gender queer communist professor.
"I'm looking for some dinner ideas for this afternoon. Anyone have any suggestions?"
"The consumption of sustenance procured by the exploitation of the modern pleb class through corporate overlords and fascist government is the corruption of the mind and shackle of the soul to poison unseen. Better to reap the harvest bought from the sweat of your brow and the grit of your resolve. Here's a quote. "
Hunger coexists with darkness. -Aeschylus
That's you. That's how that sounds.
Just say that a fucking steak is a good idea. Not everything needs to be convoluted.
You can say shit like "The Dominican Republic is nice but you'll need X and Y to make it work."
For guys who live outside of North America, what country would you say has a good quality of life?
I told my boy that when he's older, I plan to just move to a new place near an ocean where the government is not up my ass and the women don't look like men.
Women : I'm a victim of a the "male gaze" and I don't want to be objectified.
Also women : It's harassment to try to cover up my body because I should be able to be objectified.
Point it out and be called a misogynist.
@Acela_nextel it may be that I've been away for a bit and I need to get updated, but what's the thought process that leads you to think paying a woman to touch her makes you a Chad?
100% agree. Insinuate you’ll walk away and/or don’t care to have a woman and they’ll obsess.
She offered to be in a one sided open relationship if it’d make me happy not gonna commit tho
@Lionsmane8 gets it.
Now LR
Two things :
- Average is average. In my books anything average or under is not worth even giving attention.
When I was saying "most women are cute or beautiful", I was talking about the above average women.
These women get attention and start to have inflated egos because of all the thirsty men that treat them like goddesses.
Modern day Don Quixote. Smashing dick shaped windmills in search for that apex man.
Real 8s and especially 9s are rare and should be rare. They should be.
Figured this out when I was in high school.
Each summer, I'd work in a theme park where I'd be around attractive women who came from around the world to party and have fun. I worked by the water rides. So good times. Eventually, cute was ugly, beautiful was cute, ect.
By fall, I'd go back to school and be surrounded by trolls. Come spring, those trolls would be cute or beautiful.
Summer rolls around and everyone is an 8 and above...
You should get my point.
- There are no 10s because that's a perfect woman. That's a woman that's perfect in looks and personality. Good luck looking for a perfect human let alone a modern woman.
People who think they know a 10 are either in love, don't know her or have romantic pedestal.
Real people have bad days, get sick, have faults and insecurities.
You can make the argument for a personal 10 but that's subjective. Since you could think Susan Boyle is the incarnation of Aphrodite... your subjective opinion is pretty worthless. SOOO... You can search for a consensus but that's dependant on the standards (hint low) of your peers.
Closest thing is to get around objectively beautiful women. Acclimate. Humanize these women with faults and you'll get your 8s and 9s but never 10s.
Hope that helps.
Most women are cute or beautiful. Make up can give illusion of beauty but you can't put lipstick on a pig.
Guys who obsess over 9s and 10s are chasing a dream profile