Please help donate to @Acela_nextel's surgery!!
[TheRedPill] [Off-topic]
I know that rule 7 here says no requests for financial help but mods plz leave up.
Please helps donate to Acela's race-blind surgery for his eyes. All he can see is race when he thinks about how to get laid. This cosmetic surgery to the cones in his eyes will help make it so everyone looks like a similar race to him so he can stop experience such intense distress and finally improve
@Musicgoon78 u must like dating ugly black chicks huh?
7mo ago The Hub
@Acela_nextel You know what also influences womens' mate choices? Projected self-confidence.
Bro, you can't fix the internal problems that are holding you back by finding a magical lucky pickup LOCATION. How many times to the men here need to remind you of this?
I suggest you find Rian Stone's Youtube channel and start binge watching the Sidebar Series, then work your way through his Mids Watch playlist. These can be listened to as a podcast while you're doing other things. Great way to learn Red Pill Canon. Typed words don't seem to be working for you to be honest.
@woodsmoke low iq answer. Race plays a huge part in women's mate choices
Holy shit, he's back!
As to your question, probably the same places that work for most dudes, whether mixed race or not.
'Course, the fact you phrased it that way tells me you're probably still autistically fixated on race like a faggot, so any advice we give you will be as pearls before swine.
what's the best places to go from short term mating as a mixed race dude?
How do I attract women with a race fetish for mixed race guys?
How do I attract big booty white girls who are into black guys?
How do I find women who have a racial fetish for mixed race guys like me?
@deeplydisturbed they're hot tho