1y ago The Hub
I just had some dude send a girl screenshots of other girls fawning all over my profile picture in an attempt to convince her that she shouldn’t chase me because there’s too much competition for her
1y ago The Hub
@Lionsmane8 you are not rejected by Christianity, you are rejected by God. It’s in the Abraham story.
1y ago The Hub
@deeplydisturbed all of your hopes and dreams will be dashed.
Men are genocidal creatures. It is engrained in us to take sides and die on any hill. To hope otherwise is to deny the same monkey brain you trigger when you bed women.
I’m not being nihilistic here, it’s just the way it is. Just like sucking dick comes natural to a woman, killing men and sending others to do so in your stead comes natural to men.
1y ago The Hub
Or Ishmael, if you will: Abram begat Ishmael from his own prefrontal cortex and not by the will of Allah. Many nations were born from Ishmael, but they will buck like donkeys until the Woman’s seed bears fruit. This is the second coming of Christ.
1y ago The Hub
@Lionsmane8 and so you put yourself, your prefrontal cortex, and Cain, as your God. You don’t see God as your leader, your Father, you see yourself as the supreme but deferring to god when it’s convenient to do so. Just like Satan did.
1y ago The Hub
@Lionsmane8 I think that is the point in the scripture. You are rejected and so you refer to him in impersonal terms. To the accepted line he is ABBA father. Close, personal, intimate, chosen.
1y ago The Hub
And you’re rejected. Not by Christianity, but by the God of Abraham, your Father, Himself.
1y ago The Hub
@Lionsmane8 and you’re right: we were created in Gods image. God, who creates and destroys at his will.
1y ago The Hub
@Lionsmane8 have you ever spent time considering Michaelangelo’s painting on the ceiling of the Sistine chapel? Man’s fallen state is apathy and nihilism? Why? Because we think, ponder, and philosophize.
Cut it out. Men kill like women fuck: because they can, and nothing more.
1y ago The Hub
@Lionsmane8 God made us all “sacks of flesh” and it was only until we rebelled against him that we were cursed with our prefrontal cortex that gave us the “benefit” of forethought. Before then, we were nothing but animals living among animals in peaceful ignorance of the capabilities we had to rationalize the world, it’s workings, and it’s meanings.
When we die, God’s chosen line will live again in the garden of Eden while his rejected line (those who live by their prefrontal cortices) will continue to choose to rebel against his will.