@Angrymoose This could be an attack from the Trust and Safety Council Seriously, that's what they're called. #FreeMilo
8y ago The Hub
Holy shit this is hilarious. Twitter is making Milo into a Martyr. #FreeMilo #fabuloushair
8y ago The Hub
@redpillschool I'm not totally sure how I did it, but I have a negative score. Does that mean I'm too modest and conservative?
@Angrymoose lol what the hell is that? Wonder Transsexual Woman?
8y ago The Hub
@-Anteros- they just keep making her stronger and stronger since she's the only real female hero DC has that people know of. (obviously there are more) http://comicvine.gamespot.com/wonder-woman/4005-2048/forums/how-strong-is-wonder-woman-now-739762/#176
8y ago The Hub
Why you should web browse with a VPN. http://www.rooshv.com/why-you-should-use-a-vpn-virtual-private-network-for-web-browsing