Anyone know how do you deal with women you’re not into..?
..That keep shit testing you, while your out shopping? The job they work at?
It seems like a lose or lose situation, I literally got pressed by two females today, and lowkey irritated my soul I cause I’m trying to run-in-run-out, don’t want to converse or banter especially after working overtime shifts. also none of them were attractive I was literally getting tagged team but manly by an unattractive BBW, wtf?
I tried to act uninterested as I was to buy something but the big lady ask like 40 questions in 2 mins.. That had nothing to do with what I’m buying. Like im just trying to go home and re-charge for 2 week of stacking money, I don’t have time to give you my energy.
Anyone know how do you deal with women you’re not into..?
..That keep shit testing you, while your out shopping? The job they work at?
It seems like a lose or lose situation, I literally got pressed by two females today, and lowkey irritated my soul I cause I’m trying to run-in-run-out, don’t want to converse or banter especially after working overtime shifts. also none of them were attractive I was literally getting tagged team but manly by an unattractive BBW, wtf?
I tried to act uninterested as I was to buy something but the big lady ask like 40 questions in 2 mins.. That had nothing to do with what I’m buying. Like im just trying to go home and re-charge for 2 week of stacking money, I don’t have time to give you my energy.
Title: (22M) I Have No Interest In Life Anymore, Feel Like It’s All A Scam & Pointless.
In Need of some Advice from the RP Brothers, and the crazy thing is I’ve been RP since I was 15. So you’d think I would have my shit together by now.
Everything was good until 20yrs old , I would work on my purpose, I had a little side hustle which I was making income from which I was able to pay bills and not work for anyone for awhile, I was lowkey addicted to the hustle in a way but I was also dealing with Depression.
The money and house I had, kept me above the water to swim “able to manage the depression and focus on my purpose”.
I would keep up on all categories of the self, mental/mindset, physical (on and off) and spiritual.
Sometimes I’d stay up for hours maybe even 2 days just working on my purpose and reading spiritual stuff…cause that what’s kept me going.
But soon I crashed out and had psychosis a few years back, from staying up for days reading spiritual stuff (big mistake) and working on my purpose.
After that day, I lost the house, barely had any money, lost my smarts and a couple weeks forward I even accidentally broke my hard drive again which had all the stuff I focused on for Years, even some of my best work.
From that point on I just been trying to get where I was, when I had a strong frame, had money, was at the peak of my purpose.
ever since it’s just been adversity, adversity, adversity. I wasn’t a planned child, and I was also told this straight to my face by my own mother. And my father didn’t even have a father so it’s hard for him to even be a father in my life.
But I started thinking that although I wasn’t planned that I still have to suffer the consequences of death.
And I’m just stuck between wanting to live a quality life, or a shit one. And I’ve also realized that it take work to get there but I also don’t want to live an average life cause it’s already hard enough to embrace that.
At this point I just don’t want to deal with anything, not that I want to hurt myself… which I don’t but I honestly just can’t see it through anymore.
I honestly just feel stuck, but I know some tiny part of me wants better but I can’t get that to myself. I’ve been dealing with this for awhile and you guys are my last resort.
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