10mo ago The Hub
These empty golems need to experience the suffering they are so numb too.
I have low tolerance for lower consciousness people.
As for willingly depraved, satanic ones...
Yeah no, talk is over
@Lionsmane8 @destraht was right about this place, ultimately.
There once was a contingent of users that would make something of the decline. Posting articles, sharing insights etc. One by one they were brow beaten into not bothering anymore until it got quieter and quieter and now it's the irrelevant just-so backwater we see now. Hiding content is a redditism, an unintentional bug stemming from that measure is just schadenfreude.
Maybe if you season your posts with how getting revenge on the je- zionists will get you a queue of wet pussy you might ignite a spark in the vacant stares of these empty golems.