Warren Buffett amasses more cash and sells more stock, but doesn't explain why in annual letter
1w ago The Hub
@Typo-MAGAshiv this is the first video I came across not a fake one @stigma have posted.
youtube.com watch?v=2wqWnoMg1dU
But seriously. Watched around 5min from the point it went down. Nothing spectacular. Way too heated from Zelensky, he singlehandedly is trying to take himself down.
I'm not gonna talk about his toil or grief, as that'd be only an assumption.
Challenging Trump (his helper/s) on live tv was a bad move. The way he costructed the challage not good neither. There was no 2 steps forward, 1 step back.
1w ago The Hub
Read on proton websie
- The spies in your home: How WiFi companies monitor your private life
Published on February 27, 2025
- The UK government ordered Apple to weaken encryption by providing access to iCloud data under the Investigatory Powers Act 2016.
Apple turned it off completly.
1w ago The Hub
@MentORPHEUS if you th8nk time saving - it not necessarily is Linux, not short term. It can also go tits up sometimes totally tits up (big updates can break starting the system). I have a problem with fedora that on the fedora forum no one helped me with so I live with it. The screen saver supposed to go right to login window but flashes for a second everything open on the PC.
Besides that, no real problems.
Some windows programs do not have 1:1 replacement. Ive never used the Wine tho.
Thinking linux you better have a popular hardware, as certain manufacturers or models have no driver support.
BTW windows will / have part of the Notebook on a subscription as they have decided to ntroduce AI into it. Possibly the MS Windows is teaching AI on everything user.
1w ago Tech Talk
@redpillschool do you (the website) have a way of scarping of the tokens from inactive accounts? Or the coins go dead with a user?
1w ago Tech Talk
@BimaryCode That's actually really cool. Would be good to find bugs- at least active ones.
@BimaryCode Man that's frustrating. I've switched web browsers half a dozen times in the past decade and it's no longer for technical reasons. It's always this bullshit.
1w ago The Hub
@redpillschool Tor browser is build on it.
Mozilla is also Thunderbird and I think K9 email for mobiles.
I was hearing couple of y ago that Mozilla went woke.
It became a shadow of itself, by the market share % and a staff quality; they did add the numbers and have decided that the rainbow Hydra needs to eat something.
Some assumptions tho...