8y ago The Hub
@Burritohunter The prior would be a revolution in human sociology, although like all revolutions, the mediocre will protest, defy, and need to be dragged along kicking and screaming as they attempt to subvert at all and any given opportunity. The devout and the promiscuous would be highly opposed to such a system.
8y ago The Hub
@Burritohunter I'm sceptical, going by what I've seen and what's occurred throughout history, I'm inclined to say the latter, although I believe the prior is possible albeit improbable. Religion has always been responsible for enforcing monogamy (which benefits avrg men more than avrg women who rather share an alpha)
8y ago The Hub
@IllimitableMan Do you think that societies in the future will create a secular means to enforce monogamy for the good of the collective? Or do human beings need a religious, fear-based ideology in order for the majority to individually act in ways that promote stable civilization?
8y ago The Hub
@redpillschool "The Red Pill" is a brilliant analogy for learning the truth behind gender dynamics. It's all around us constantly, like a splinter in your mind. And once you take the red pill, there is no going back.
9y ago The Hub
This launch is truly a historic moment. One of the most important spearheads against our gynocentric society - our descendants will look back upon us as the beginning of the end for third-wave feminism. #welcomeparty
9y ago The Hub
@redpillschool The timing of this launch couldn't have been better for me. I just submitted my first post to TRP a couple of days ago, moving it over now for the start of my blog. Thanks for all the hard work you men have done on this site, I am excited to continue expanding my blog and practicing my writing skills.