"Marriage is a kick in the nuts"
I may be drunk but I'm pretty sure this chick has NEVER ran 100 miles......or even 1. Oh wait, this must be one of those "fat but fit" chicks. What was I thinking, carry on gents.
@jpwilk Yep, the last thing the SEC wants is someone other than the Govt or Hedge Funds and big banks manipulating the market. I expect the PDT to at least double if not go up to 100k.
@aceflies What's up man! I'm sure others will echo this but don't just dwell in books, get out in the field. One reason TRP/Game material has been impactful for me is because I can look back on different experiences that illustrate a concept. Even though you're young if you look around you (friends, family, school, work, social media etc..) there are bound to be endless examples of red pill material in action. As far as books I also really liked Rollo's second book and Caleb Jones has a good book too. Best of luck in your journey, I'm raising a dented can of PBR in your honor.
@TiberiusBravo87 I had to accept the fact that I probably would never help anyone that I actually knew. But......through sites like this, blogs, youtube, etc.. you can still spread the word (Praise Jeebus!!). You just have to get use to that pissing in the wind feeling.
@AFTSOV It started when they moved from paper food stamps to the EBT cards. Now I know what you're thinking, I'm drunk again. Well yes........ but, like any movement the left had to get their "base" on board the program first. The food stampers weren't going to bitch, it was free money to them and as long as they got their benefits they would jump through whatever hoops they were told. Sure a few bitched because they couldn't sell their food stamps for beer money in the Albertsons parking lot anymore. But they got used to it.
@Osiris No, no they can't. But that's why I'm here, to be inspired. Thank you brother.
Ok, I've switched from PBR to Natty Daddy. I have clarity now. So basically all this has nothing to do with the red pill but it's the same type of Hatfield-McCoy feud that's been going on over at the t-nation, bodybuilding.com and even the old elitefts forums for years. The bodybuilders call the powerlifters fat, the powerlifters make fun of how much the bodybuilders lift, the oly lifters won't stop talking about soccer. I get it now. Sorry I got here late. I have lots of good content around Sweatin to the Oldies and my life size cut out of Tony Little.
@AFTSOV Ok, now I see why you guys were talking about protection.
Sometimes it's nice to be the new guy. I don't even know what an EC is. Although I am very familiar with Old E and PBR (not the bull riding).