4y ago The Dark Winter
"One of my co-workers even said George Floyd was just another ni$$@ that popped a membrane on the street, cops were just there as a convenient scapegoat."
4y ago TheRedPill
Or Shakira?
Funny you mention it now, about a year ago I was with my brother-in-law and then we caught up with my sister (then 26) and a friend of hers (then 27). I thought it kind of unusual how "small" or "young" both my sister and her friend looked compared to a lot of girls I know who are the same age or even a bit younger than them. They both married by their mid-20's and were never party girls. I know in my sisters' case, she had only one b/f before her husband.
I'm well into my 30's but get confused for mid 20's (especially when I'm clean-shaven) and I definitely enjoyed my younger years to say the least so genetics may play a factor- but it's a shame when I see so many girls my sisters' age who are conventionally good-looking but have that burnt-out, faded look to them.
The wall is real.
Read More4y ago The Dark Winter
So if there's nothing wrong with Twitter banning the current sitting President based on their reasoning (however erroneous you might think it is)
Does this mean it's now ok for private businesses to deny service to sitting members of government based on political affiliation?
4y ago The Dark Winter
It's astonishing how little self-awareness so many of these mega corporations have. Almost like their arrogance has blinded them to the fact the Emperor, in fact, is now naked
4y ago The Hub
What was he supposed to do?
If he backed down then the critics would just say "Ha- he was never your guy! Look how he just surrendered like that".
If he were to run again in 4 years' time, I imagine he'd only gain support as more people realise that he was never the problem.