1y ago The Hub
@lurkerhasarisen I can only answer that from my exp.
Sexual health clinic in UK usually asks about a number of partners, eventually, a name address, sexual orientation. Me rather being distrustful and expecting my data being mishandled, leaked etc I never give true answers and even if I do they can not be differentiated amongst the false data. Example: although I'm hetero I would claim I'm bi. Ofc my choices are defined by my logic.
Woman apparently has a value protection built in. If this wiring is as strong as logical thinking in men, then women will just divide the number.
I do not agree or disagree with any of you, about stats.
The only way to know how women report notches is to know the approx. number of notches beforehand and do fake poll on her.
It would be hard to do it on average woman without proper surveillance, but totally possible on escorts to get the IMPRESSION.
Read MoreRussia will continue on growing normally
they won't, the way system is set up there - won't allow it; growth is investing in people and people won't see a dime from natural resources. It could be redistributed to entrepreneurs, but they need educated people that system will not produce by design neither [or at least not in number that would be required]
If anything 'west' will contract.
That even might be whole Russian/Chinese strategy. Let them die. Just stay resilient.
To keep the money for elites it was much easier to start and fuel, decay process on the west, then to risk loosing their positions and possessions by investing in people. It is hard to say is the west shooting themselves in foot, Russia's work or just effect of comfort levels in west.
Power in Russia is held by men and if anything was done to start snowball effect in west slow downfall it was enough to grant women enough rights. Rest would be matter of time.
Read MoreThat's not true.
I've seen left-wing governments implement merit-based hiring, and I've seen right-wing ones sweeping every single institution they could get their hands on, and placing totally incompetent, albeit loyal, people in charge.
1y ago The Hub
Any organization or enterprise that is not expressly right wing will become left wing over time [2nd of Robert Conquest’s Laws ] aka O’Sullivan’s Law
One of the reasons for this is leftist intolerance versus right-wing tolerance. Right wingers are willing to hire openly left-wing employees in the interest of fairness. Left-wingers, utterly intolerant, will not allow a non-Liberal near them, and will harass them at every opportunity. The result over time is that conservative enterprises are infiltrated by leftists but leftist enterprises remain the same or get worse.
- Another reason is that the parasitic nature of Liberals/Leftists attracts them to existing money.
Read MoreJames D. Watson, perhaps the most distinguished living American scientist, has now been kicked to the curb by the Cold Spring Harbor genetics laboratory he rescued and rebuilt over the last 40 years for making politically (but not scientifically) incorrect statements about African IQs.
1y ago The Dark Winter
But our political leaders, health officials, and media squandered that trust through years of capricious policies and calculated dishonesty. It could take a generation or more to win it back.
It takes to win trust back or dumb people down.
Presumption of someone trying to win trust back give false sense of security, that someone out there actually cares to do it.
If American Federation of Teachers is so heavily skewed as report suggest, it will be easier to dumb people down.
But even in retirement, Fauci continues to defend masking policies. In early September, as Covid cases again trended modestly upward, the former NIAID chief told CNN, “I am concerned that people will not abide by [masking] recommendations.”
1y ago The Hub
Even highly dubious and unlikely accusations will be forwarded to prosecutors for rape/ sexual assault prosecution, and not for prosecution for false accusations. This is why statistics show such low numbers for false rape accusations.
vergewaltigung-und-sexuelle-n-tigung-in-bayern-bpfi is the name of the german document

1y ago The Hub
My wife said that she saw I was reliable and interesting and that no other women would want me, which was ok with her because she cared about our (future) children.
that is quite funny. I'd say considering 22y together: romantic
in the ass you mean
1y ago The Hub
Children as young as 13 years old are reportedly using fake IDs to sell explicit content on OnlyFans
teenager used a fake ID to set up her account and in one week received £5,000 [approximately $7,100] in payments from the site, prompting the bank to freeze her account
The outlet also reported that children as young as 12 years old were "using the site to contact ... adult content creators and asking to meet up."
“I don’t wanna talk about the types of pictures I post on there, and I know it’s not appropriate for kids my age to be doing this, but it’s an easy way to make money,” she reportedly said. “Some of the girls have thousands of followers on Instagram, and they must be raking it in. I wanna be just like them.”
Read MoreA girl has a 100% valid state ID, with her photo and signature, and social security card. The ID proves she is 20 years old. You engage in sex with her, Film it. Sell it. Due to strict liability statutory rape laws there is no way how you can escape prison after it turns out the girl is 15 and conned the state into falsely giving her an ID. People who distribute your perfectly documented porn, of course go to prison. Even the press is unaware that 100 000 men who downloaded it, with perfect proof of being over 18 years of age, also can go to prison.
Conclusion: to have sex, watch porn, you at least need to get a US$ 30 000 background check of your partner, A detective has to get birth records, school records, interview parents and teachers. Even that is not 100% secure. Thus: never have sex, never engage in fondling or indecent behavior and never look at any nude or indecent pictures. Ever.

1y ago The Hub
Read MoreJanice Harding, 29 leaves Truro Cown Court in Truro, Cornwall where she denies four counts of indecent assault on two boys under 16. * The court was told that Harding, now living in Falmouth, Cornwall, had sexual intercourse up to 12 times a week over a period of months with one boy. * The single mother of three was today, July 20th 2001, convicted of having a torrid affair with a 15-year-old schoolboy. Harding was found guilty of two charges of indecently assaulting the teenager, with whom she allegedly had sex up to 12 times a week, she was acquitted of indecently assaulting a second teenage boy on two occasions. The jury of five men and seven women took over six hours to reach their verdicts at Truro Crown Court. Judge Giles Forrester adjourned sentence until September 3 to enable a pre-sentence report to be prepared. 03/09/2001: She escaped jail when she appeared for sentencing at Truro Crown Court. Harding, now of The Beacon, Falmouth, was convicted by a jury of two counts of indecent assault on the youngster. The judge ordered Harding, who had no previous convictions, to sign on to the Sex Offenders' Register for five years, saying that this would act as a deterrent, and also gave her a three-year Community Rehabilitation Order.
1y ago The Hub
When you say 'for getting seduced' you turn men into victims, almost like women.
this and above, true
Men are doers, we do things, deliberately.
that's too far, it is one sided, it is [almost] shaming.
Women shows fake ID: men is guilty, men deliberately wont fuck - rape by omission, etc.
Guilty of existence.