2mo ago The Hub
streamable com/5jw1nx
Jaded woman being honest about her priorities
This interview was filmed back in the 70's or 80's. It's been shown on TV for years. This lady talked about taboo subjects way before Carrie, Samantha, Charlotte and Miranda were out of high school.
2mo ago The Hub
youtu be/1e7ZETAAn_I
Only for the dudes that can understand polish language: a sexual market on the war front - Russian side. Wide spectrum of the topics.
@polishknight is probably the only one that can rise to the challenge
credibility? my guess is as good as anyone's
2mo ago The Hub
I have heard @ryanstone mentioning/quoting @Mentotpheus, but he couldn't exactly remember who he is personally so called him a philosopher/scientist or something. I'm not sure is it this @mentorpheus but it sounded the same.
Yes, NGL it was quite the dopamine rush to hear my post from 5+ years ago discussed.
The post in question was about using E Prime in discussions. This is a subset of English minus the verb to be, for example is, was, etc. I still try to use this in serious posts though it can make the wording a bit tedious. The idea is to not use IS because it potentially shapes and limits one's understanding of the thing discussed, like implying that some quality (he IS an incel, a boomer, a liberal etc) is an immutable, permanent, and all-defining fact of the thing discussed. In practical terms, one substitutes adjectives (he behaves like a boomer) or verbs (a Tesla goes fast; gender affirming surgery becomes problematic) to highlight and parameterize the writer's point.
Funny thing about his comment: I am not a scientist or philosopher by trade; I made my living working as a "lowly" blue-collar mechanic. However, that doesn't define me overall, for in my spare time read voraciously and owned several cases of science, philosophy, psychology, and political books. Goes to show describing me by saying I am a mechanic or I am a scientist/philosopher leaves out more than it illustrates toward an accurate description of me.
Read More2mo ago The Hub
I hope the would-be evacuees who couldn't leave LA serve as a lesson to everyone about how much EVs actually suck.
1% of the current users tops, if they didn't see the writings on the wall before, they won't see it now. The only thing stopping the rest to go for them again will be the lost wealth and lost purchase power.
2mo ago The Hub
@Typo-MAGAshiv I understand the critics of Pear for men. Women are good for women as a starting point. You can't win with the heard mentality? Then Get some inception working. Her male fans... Are they different from OF fans paying for subscription? Did she found a niche for herself? Are her fans paying for keeping a channel alive for [maybe] some benefit later.
So many questions.
2mo ago The Hub
had to look up in urban dictionary
I have a plate like this: she was not sure she wants to see porn and acted like cringe watching it [I told her to look up some blow job techniques], buuut she does a deep throat from the start.
2mo ago The Hub
when you misuse words like that, you ruin them and rob them of any actual meaning. Think of how feminists/bloopies will call any man wh.................................................................................................................................................................................................................. ..........................................................................
translating from the womanese: I throw a lot of words at you till you won't respond
significant difference between the words like: incel, racism, gypsy, Mexican, they are constant. They don't go anywhere. "boomer" people on the other hand are vanishing and you don't see them very often IRL and soon enough, they will die out. I stand by the 'boomer' becoming generic trademark, being somewhat sonofabitch for normies, or filling a gap for light insult in settings where nothing else would fly.
Meh. Semantics. It is like talking with LM about the muslims. On one hand it's not worth it, on the other you never know when one creates the history by accident.
Like the last week I have heard @ryanstone mentioning/quoting @Mentotpheus, but he couldn't exactly remember who he is personally so called him [now I don't remember well] a philosopher/scientist or something. I'm not sure is it this @mentorpheus but it sounded the same.
And don't tell me I used more words, I was first.
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