@Durek_The_Bald you probably aren't spinning fast enough
Spin faster
1d ago The Hub
@Typo-MAGAshiv I tried it. It doesn't work, and now my coworkers won't speak to me.
5d ago TheRedPill
@Mate1212 I don't judge it, and I have too, on several occasions.
However (sort of speaking for myself, but also in general), I view going behind a woman's back as a lack of frame, assertiveness, and outcome independence. Possibly also a lack of SMV, or at least confidence in one's SMV.
I think a man who has all these aspects of his life covered, and knows it, wouldn't have a problem straight up telling his wife/girlfriend that he's going to get some on the side.
He'd be secure in the knowledge he could handle the negative vibes without it affecting his mood.
He'd be secure in the knowledge his SMV is high enough that she would come to accept it.
And if shit hit the fan, he'd have the outcome independence to just go "alright, there's the door" if she wanted to leave him over it.
Obviously, there are other aspects to consider - like if you have kids, and don't want to split the family for their sake, or divorce laws that would clean you out.
But that is the baseline of what I'm thinking with regards to men cheating.
Do I regret it? No. It's what I wanted at the time, and it helped me take some distance, keep my mood up, and not to beg for sex. But I do wish I had the backbone to just tell her at the time that's what I was going to do (telling, not asking for permission). I don't have any moral qualms with the act of a man cheating, but I do think it betrays a lack of certain masculine qualities when you can't be transparent about stuff.
It's basically nice guy behavior, hiding your "badness".
Read More1w ago The Hub
@derdeutscher Probably some biology at work. I mean, novelty is an aphrodisiac, familiarity is an anti-aphrodisiac. And 10 times a week sounds like overkill to me.
But probably also some things for you to unpack there. Could be a million things. Not enough kink/filth? Certain unattractive, turn-off-ish behaviors messing with the enthusiasm on either part? Lack of compatibility? You tell me.
Whatever the reasons are though, a dead bedroom is a raw deal for whoever wants the action, but isn't getting it. So it's well worth either taking seriously, or just ending it.
1w ago The Hub
Take home message: if you have sexless marriage, end it before she does. Women cant go on without sex.
Its one thing women wont forgive you..not fucking her. This is one pretty dark shade of red when talking about red pills.
"It's a feature, not a bug". And what a great feature it is. Seriously one of the better one.
Not that I would ever trust some random woman's post hoc narrative on anything (they've got plenty of ways to make themselves unfuckable, and to avoid accountability).
But let's assume for a second the dead bedroom actually was on the guy in question (madonna/whore complex or something); Then yeah, I'm with her on noping out of that one.
People sign up for monogamy, not celibacy. Women liking sex isn't that hard of a pill to swallow. I mean, wouldn't it suck if they didn't?
Read More1w ago TheRedPill
Seriously, what is the whole obsession with clean past?? Something is going wrong in TRP world
What happened is that 'TRP' became a marketable brand that everyone wanted in on; Especially the traditional-conservatives, who had already been losing cultural ground for more than half a century.
So while TRP started out as kind of a "third option" for men (in opposition to both progressivism and traditionalist conservativism), people with lingering blue pill ideals (a.k.a trad-cons) started making efforts to forcefit TRP into their line of thinking.
Add to that incels, and what have you, and there we have the state of TRP today.
1w ago TheRedPill
There's nothing wrong with growing a strong, emotionally fulfilling connection with another human being. You don't need anyone's permission to continue with your girlfriend, let alone to justify or validate the relationships you keep to anonymous nobodies like us
Yikes, sweaty. Let's unpack this.
1) He was drunk and could not consent.
2) you deceived him into thinking he was f_cking your wife. Lying by omission is still lying.
You need to be on the s_x offenders' registry. You need to be in prison with the other r_pists, where you can all have your little r_pe parties with each other.
Anyway, congrats on coming out of the closet.
@Durek_The_Bald I used to find it fascinating, but it reminded me of when I was at my lowest just before my unplugging. Then I just found it anger-inducing and depressing.
One thing I've noticed, though, is that almost all of them have the same roots to their problems.
if the man wants sex and is denied, then one or more of the following:
he got fat
he conceded on too many things, making himself look like a wuss in her eyes and thus unattractive
her hormones are out of whack and she needs hormone therapy
- she's a lesbian and doesn't realize it yet
if the woman wants sex and the man isn't giving it to her, then one or more of the following:
she got fat
he's gay
she used to deny him, and he checked out to the point that he doesn't want to fuck her anymore (whether or not he's fucking anyone else)
- his hormones are out of whack, and he needs TRT