3mo ago The Dark Winter
@Vermillion-Rx an accurate site? Nope. But there there are lots of European and Oceania-based sites that provide enough coverage for someone to figure it all out. Combined with the mandatory disclosures of US spending (we've spent billions on paying government pensions and operating costs) that a full, honest disclosure of the "aid" would quickly reveal how much of it is not being spent on military operations (logistics, soldier pay, equipment, munitions, etc.)
Quick summary of gains and losses: www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-60506682 recent events (with links to sources): liveuamap.com/
There are a handful of other sites that I read when I want to get better perspective when something happens (like the use of ICBMs by Russia - based on what I've read so far, there are no indications that they're nuclear-armed) - I'll start to keep a list.
Read More3mo ago The Dark Winter
@Vermillion-Rx I don't think we're even close to using nuclear weapons yet - he's holding a fair amount of land and based on the change in government in the US, I'd wager that he's going to keep a significant portion of it in exchange for peace. Trump, for his part, wants to end the never-ending foreign aid.
@MentORPHEUS - not only is he rushing through additional aid, some of it was structured as "forgivable loans" - and he's forgiving them now - which means there's almost no chance that we're getting any of that money back.
Personally, for all of the money we've spent so far, there should be a lot (more) dead Russian soldiers and actual progress in repelling Russia's incursion. Beyond minor gains near Kharkiv and Kherson, we very little military progress and only grainy video to justify billions in aid. We've paid for infrastructure and pensions in a country that is a shell of what it was before the invasion.
Read More@Typo-MAGAshiv I'm actually surprised I didn't see that meme re-appearing this morning.
@Vermillion-Rx All good... I didn't realize it was a joke.
@Ill_Will7 I agree with nearly everything you wrote. I am of the opinion that the folks who are having meltdowns (generally) exposed themselves four years ago. Even with Biden in office, they did nothing to improve their lives.
When Obama won I wasn't happy, but it saved us from 4-8 years of mealy-mouthed McCain. Romney should have been able wipe the floor with Obama in 2012, but didn't. I took that one on the chin and moved on with my life. Same with Biden-Trump in 2020. I was bummed in the moment and went on with my life. Since then I've moved and expanded my business.
These people screeching online have NOTHING of value to offer anyone - save the cheap entertainment I get reading their posts :)
@chadinthemaking69 good luck with that one indeed. If you read through the entire thread they mention the 4B movement in Korea more than once and how they would like for it to take hold in the US. I had no idea what it was so I read up on it. What a joke.
@redpillschool It was always in front of us. With loose mail-in rules in many states, it's easy to send out ballots to everyone and have folks on the ground collecting them, filling them out, and then depositing them in drop-boxes to be counted. Same for folks sitting in counting rooms and scanning/re-scanning ballots.
CNN aptly pointed out that there was no county or township in America (4600 or so) last night where Harris outperformed Biden in 2020 by more than 3 points. She was only outperforming him in 58 counties by any margin.
Trump outperformed Biden 2020 in more than 1,000 counties. With no lazy voting, this shouldn't have been as close as it was.. but the writing was on the wall from Trump early in the evening.
@Vermillion-Rx ..because there is an adult in the room. Even Russia is now open to "reset" with the US.
@Vermillion-Rx this aged well. hahaha
@chadinthemaking69 I concur. Even in groups that aren't politically-motivated, folks are losing their s#it. Each thread I read makes me laugh harder. It's amazing to see delusional, misguided word-vomit in real-time.