7y ago The Hub
8y ago The Hub
Just realized that my 10 hour IF window means I can't start eating until dinner time if I want to have my after work beer.
8y ago The Hub
My N3 Regiment:
No more than 200g of carbs/week
No consumption of food/drink except water/coffee outside a 10 hour window.
Save an extra $25/wk
- No porn/masturbation each week until I've made plans to hang out with a chick.
New habit:
- Walk at least 15 miles a week.
8y ago The Hub
Q: A man and a woman both want to have sex with each other. The man doesn't approach, what happens?
bu???ou :?
8y ago The Hub
@redpillschool "A feminist killed my parents by sitting on them while we were leaving the theater. Now I am the Black Knight, the guardian of the misogynist and the white-guilty. Defender of the privileged. The hero that reddit deserves, but not the one it wants right now. I. AM. RPS-MAN!"
8y ago The Hub
#IBelieveWomen see male attention as a zero sum game. If one has yours, that means another doesn't, and that infuriates her. Use this to your advantage.
8y ago The Hub
Like a building, physical attractiveness is the foundation of a man's SMV. On a strong foundation, a man could build family home, a tower bearing his name, or a sprawling mansion. Without a strong foundation, even the richest and most talented man is limited to shanty huts and mobile homes More
9y ago The Hub
#IBelieveWomen have been harmed more by 30 years of radical feminism than by 1,000+ years of Western Patriarchy.