4y ago TheRedPill
@redpillschool Some posts seem to be missing, such as this one: www.reddit.com/r/theredpill/comments/g0plbs/be_the_rock/
Could be a bug. Hope you guys are able to get things sorted. I feel that Reddit is going to ban us soon!
4y ago TheRedPill
Does anyone know if r/theredpill are still being mirrored here or backed up in some way?
@GhostX Yes. And we will continue our work on forums.red
5y ago TheRedPill
@redpillschool will the reddit posts still continue to be backedup / mirrored to here? I feel like they are just itching to ban that sub and it'll happen without warning.
5y ago TheRedPill
@redpillschool just a suggestion, but "tribes.red" would be a much better domain name especially if you are trying to build a platform / site to compete with places like reddit. Otherwise great stuff! My suggestion would be to at least get that domain name locked down.