2y ago The Hub
@Godblessusall Those plates don't spin themselves, young Chadawan. Despite our giga-chad self-imagery sometimes, finding and maintaining plates does consume time and effort. One Thanksgiving weekend at my spinning peak, I was literally speeding from woman to woman, ate several full Thanksgiving dinners, and had quite a volume of sex. By the end of the weekend I just wanted to curl up in a fetal position and sleep off my chafing wounds.
You're smart to stay on your mission in college, and fortunate to have a GF who likes lots of sex. There will come plenty of time and opportunity to spin plates. You'll really hit a stride in your 30s if like most men.
3y ago The Hub
@MistahCam yes that is my insecurity actually. And i feel its not the right feeling to pursue
People obsess over what they can’t have. That’s why these incels get suicidal lol.
All of these pick up artists that game several days a week just seem like total losers to me. They’re so insecure they gotta validate themselves by pulling a new chick. Once you have actual abundance you care less
Mental illness is no laughing matter. If you or someone you know is suffering from involuntary celibacy please call 1-800-273-8255. There is a brighter life ahead.
3y ago The Hub
How to not fall into the trap of becoming a misogynist. I’ve seen this tendency in myself after getting in touch with trp. I feel trp doesn’t promote this but I seem to get this twisted perception. I agree with a lot of trp except this feeling that it induces in me. At first it also stunted me emotionally a bit but now I’ve gotten a hang of it. I love my girl and I talk deep emo shit w her then we turn to hard fucking which is a proof that girls don’t hate emo guys. It’s the context of your emotions. Don’t be a helpless loser. Say your emo to her face and love her and embrace her. I know all this but so times I tend to future project myself into a scenario when she probably leaves me. Something that hasn’t happened and is unlikely to occur but still makes me hate girls. I think trp can help Solve this (unsolvable thing).
- Even being satisfied in a relationship I feel the need to pursue more girls and maybe I will h it I don’t wanna do it out of insecurity. I’m in a good ltr but seeing all the redpillers say their notch counts makes me a bit insecure and unhappy in my otherwise happy life.
3y ago The Hub
@AFTSOV > If you figure out how to do this, tell me how. Good luck.
The way I’ve solved this is by coming to terms that i can’t be in ltr with her but I can still be fwb and when I still feel the obnoxiousity of her action , that’s on me! I have to deal with it , as long as I’m not in a relationship with her , she can fuck all she want.
Me being bothered makes me aware of my own needs of intimacy and security. It’s a compromise for lust , one I’m willing to make with this girl.
But It’s my responsibility too to not get hooked on her which will happen (has happened but your answer took me out of it , thanks for the fresh perspective ) as long as I don’t see other girls as a healthy man. Girls who I connect with instead of pure lust.