@Whisper Have you read the war of art by any chance? Similar ideas.
@Typo-MAGAshiv Ofcourse I get it. It was all in jest. Can't win them all.
Tried to pick up a 5 at a club to ease my way back into it coz I've been having some confidence issues lately.
And she fucking rejected me. The AUDACITY lol.
@Desaint yeah I checked my form. Looks like i do a little good morning at the bottom. Will fix that and see.
Anyone dealt with discomfort in the back of the knee after squatting? My guess right now is I have weak hamstrings.
@Whisper idk man. For once I'd like to watch a road trip movie where things go according to the plan. Just to satisfy my OCD.

I wrote a fair amount of articles for women before they kicked me off reddit, but I don't think they're currently up anywhere.

I like political discussions, but the quality of the discussions I came across here is pretty low.
What's a good place to start on tracking hormones? Anything I should read up on before or should I go blindly to an endocrinologist?