2y ago The Hub
@redpillschool Cool. I see reddit ate the shitter, and there are way too many big 'red pill' YouTube gurus charging dudes for utter bullshit that was always available for free. Good that the core is still alive.
3y ago The Hub
@slutmagazine Yeah, media always onto the next bullshit.
And yes, book me a table. Sounds incredible!
3y ago The Dark Winter
I just took a look at the link you provided. It's a couple of weeks old, and doesn't include the amendments which were made. Either way, I don't live in the state to which it applies.
I mainly wanted to head you off and be honest. I, unfortunately, have no investment in a back and forth with you. You can tag me in a response, or 'declare victory' or do whatever moves you. On my side, I own the fact that I just don't care, now or any time in the future.
Sorry, bud, but peace.
3y ago The Dark Winter
@Antelope Yeah, of course I've seen that. Sucks for people who live there. Which isn't me.
3y ago The Hub
Bro, it's all systems go here. I've known of a few people who have tested positive. They just isolated for a little then back at it. They weren't even that strict about their isolation. Most of the guys here need to stop believing the news. Believing the news and claiming to be red pill is an oxymoron.
Still here every day, bro? Must be killing it.
Cue standard NPC 'redpill' come-back - 'Ugghghh, you NPC liberal Aussie faggot fucked up, my TV and screen told me!'
3y ago The Hub
@Mumisnotokay Hhhmmm...a refuting of a person's interpretation followed by 'you're a British Koala fucker' (or close enough), doesn't usually leave room to be interpreted as amiable.
Ok, so there is some transference happening for you? Which may also explain why you interpreted my reply as 'gaslighting' when I was merely exploring your responses.
Why such depth of dislike for Australians? What deep thing has happened where you now think it's ok to just tear into someone's nationality? Not to mention a fluffy, innocent national animal?
Looks like a confrontational schema playing out.