@Voyager_00310 So, you've been in a LTR for 8 years, she's been disrespecting you of late and not having sex. Was this all of a sudden or has it been dwindling for some time? Did something happen to cause this?
If it's just been dwindling and she doesn't want sex anymore, time to move on. Hopefully you haven't comingled finances/purchases. Line a new place up and move out , or if it's your place, find a way to get her out. Hide your stuff, change your passwords, take precautions first.
11mo ago Philosophy
O (Democracy = Stuff they like)
ya, but it's not even Democracy, it's communism
I always ask these kids, what socialist or communist countries are people trying hard to get (into)?
why is that?
more crickets
"Democracy leads to anarchy, which is mob rule."
— Plato, The Republic.
11mo ago The Dark Winter
@Vermillion-Rx (Democracy = Stuff they like)
ya, but it's not even Democracy, it's communism
I always ask these kids, what socialist or communist countries are people trying hard to get (into)?
why is that?
more crickets
1y ago The Hub
@Problematic_Browser ( At this point, you don't want to live in reality).
quite the opposite Problematic. I live in reality, you believe what your masters tell you to believe.
You aren't ready for the red pill, you are in denial phase
1y ago The Hub
@Problematic_Browser they didn't charge him because he's uniparty.
You can't take down one of them, if one goes, the house of cards will crumble. They have to protect themselves at all cost.
1y ago The Hub
@Problematic_Browser Who are those legal experts? Are they Uniparty controlled marxist drones?
They totally cheated in Fulton county. Did you see the video of them kicking everyone out, making sure they were all gone, saying we are not counting until morning , gee we are so tired.
Then, when everyone is gone, they pull out boxes hidden under tables and start feeding them through the machines, multiple times.
Don't believe your lying eyes
1y ago The Hub
@Problematic_Browser (I'm trying to have it one way, and people who support Trump are insisting that suddenly nothing matters).
You don't understand the big picture.
Trump was president at the time of those documents and retained them as most ex Pres, do.
Trump also declassified them, he can just state they are declassifed, magic wand and it's so. There's no procedure for it as president, he can do what he wants.
Biden was VP when he took those documents. He can't declassify anything and having them was a felony.
It's that simple.
Yet, the Uniparty attacks the one who legally could have them, while providing cover for their own guy who didn't have legality.
When you control the press , (pravda), you control the narrative.
you need to look through the narrative.
1y ago The Hub
@RPU_mike , good points Mike.
another very serious item that is completely ignored by the MSM (pravda).
Biden took the documents and obtained them, while being VP. It was absolutely a felony for him to have those documents.
But the Uniparty protects their own, else they eat themselves alive
1y ago The Hub
@Problematic_Browser You do realize this is the deep state , threatening him and trying to get him to drop out? Schumer even warned him, if you run again, you won't know what hit you.
How many times have they said they have evidence of this or that against him and it goes through the courts and nothing?
These latest hits on him, are in Democrat controlled areas where they have full control. They'll find him guilty and he'll appeal to a higher court that isn't controlled and it will be overturned.
Geez problematic browser, just look at the classified document crap.
Trump was president, had documents he unclassified , in his secure house, the FBI swarms him just in time for it all to be postered during election year. They are trying to hang him for it. Never ever happened before to an ex pres.
Meanwhile, Biden, was VP at time, can't declassify anything, wasn't supposed to even have documents. He's got them sitting in his beach house garage, in his house in VA, etc. The FBI asks permission to come and review it, gives him 4 weeks notice.
They decide not to press any charges, you're good man.
Do you see a bit of a two sided system at play here?
One is protected by the Uniparty
One is the enemy.
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