"Jack of all trades, master of none, though oftentimes better than master of one."
Relationship Philosophy:
Put oxygen mask on self first, then... make a value judgement for the passenger next to you.
@JohannesFactotum What the fuck is this garba...oh. Yeah thats pretty nice.
@Chaddeus_Rex Yeah, it's an app that makes an enormous SQLite database that it can incrementally update. Also has an "ok" download manager. Searching is better than hammering on their website(s).
Cambridge University Press. 700 text books free until May. www.cambridge.org/core/what-we-publish/textbooks
But $1000 is a rounding error for most people's debt. They will continue to be on the knife's edge paycheck-to-paycheck.
@JohannesFactotum thought something tasted funny
Fun fact if you ever date a Philipina girl: Never use the "water cup" in the bathroom to drink from. That's a tabò; and its used to scoop water to wash the anus after a shit.
The more you know...
@redpillschool Throttle (not hit but slow down posts) to the general tribe by "new" members. If their posts earn stars the throttling can be reduced/removed. Stars only bestow-able by accounts 90-days or older.
@Chaddeus_Rex Everyone loves to cry about "local manufacturing will resume!"
The machines to make things all come from China. So... there's going to be somewhat of a wait for that. What are they going to try and make? How are they going to introduce themselves to a market in disruption? Where is their capital going to come from when right now everyone is chasing their tails covering their own ass?
The skills to make things aren't being taught anymore because everyone wants to "write an app" or be an "influencer." Nobody wants to crank widgets for a living except for those on the wrong-tail of the IQ bell curve. Those already working will have new problems coming that I'll describe next.
Who do you think has been driving all of this shit from the ports to the cities and to your local store? The average age of the CDL driver is hovering around 48 years. AVERAGE. That means that at least 33% of these truckers are really vulnerable to dying of COVID-19 or at minimum, being incapacitated for weeks. Thanks to Toyota Production Systems concepts, a lot of manufacturers hold little to no inventory. Right now the drivers from the ports are being laid off. Distribution drivers will soon follow. The supplies for "local manufacturing" will soon dwindle and even those who do "local manufacturing" will not have anything for their workers to make. More lay-offs are coming-- both from lack of supply and lack of health.
"Brother can you spare a dime?" We're on the edge of that depression-era precipice. Who's going to "buy" from local manufacturing. The Fed just dropped $1.5T back into the system, they might have to do that a couple more times if they have the spines but it will take 2-3 years to return to "normalcy."
Read More@redpillschool 91% alcohol, aloe vera gel. Mix 2/3C alcohol with 1/3C aloe >= DIY Hand sanitizer. Sold out where I'm at as well as all the toilet paper. Strangely, people ignored the boxed tissues on the same aisle.
Probably not after today.
Buy lots of butter. You can freeze it. Nuts. Salt. Detergent. Bottled water. Flats of eggs. Eggs are not going to suddenly "expire" but kind of get "meh" after a couple months. Meat. Freeze it.
Refill your propane tanks. These are off the top of my head.
Put oxygen mask on self first, then... make a value judgement for the passenger next to you.