Gives me tingles starring down a former hot girl. Like sweetie, I can tell you use to be bad, but now you're in your thirties and fat. You don't have a chance with me.
The fact you feel the need to ask for examples demonstrates you know exactly what I'm talking about.
Look for those that add to your life versus those that just partake in it.
Give me your personal number so I can send you screen shots of the ridiculous shit @Typo-MAGAshiv says throughout the week while youre away.
phone calls and text are reserved for family, close friends.
So fucking weird
Texting is my preferred means of communication, no matter who someone is
I'd say half the age bracket I listed solely communicates on social media like snapchat, FB, IG, calls and text are reserved for family, close friends.
@Kloi bro how you gonna mention boomers without getting @Typo-MAGAshiv 's token boomer input on what boomers think about this?