It's a bit outside what's normally discussed, but I'll allow it
Rule 5, in its entirety, but with what makes this post fit in bold:
Submissions must show a woman who is looking for commitment while also either complaining about jerks or promiscuity, needing her kids provided for, being entitled or unreasonable, or complaining that she "can't find a decent guy".
While there's zero evidence that any woman quoted in there is slutty or a single mom or even unreasonable/entitled (it actually reads like a legit lament from their perspective), I think it lends itself well to a discussion of how feminism coupled with affirmative action keeping men down to help women up has led to this situation.
It therefore fits rule 5, and doesn't have to wait for the weekend.
Side note: the link cut off the bottom of the article. I recommend using instead, or that textise one you linked is fine (though it's preferable to see it with pictures, etc)
CC: @moorekom, @lurkerhasarisen, @woodsmoke, @goodmansaysfuckyou, @houseoftolstoy, @Impressive-Cricket-8, @deeplydisturbed, @Land_of_the_losers, @Kevin32 (did I miss anyone recently active?)
Read More2mo ago Wallstreet Bets
@Lone_Ranger No, sir, I don't think I can beat a room full of traders. I'm not much of a gambler, even when it comes to a casino.
I've made my share of bad choices and I've made my share of good choices. But I wouldn't share a stock tip that I wasn't willing to take myself.
2mo ago Wallstreet Bets
I'd like to offer a thought about an investment that I have made, and one that I will continue to make.
I'm not one to treat the stock market like a casino: it involves a lot of research. My dad (among other things) has a solid background in accounting and one of his hobbies is pouring-over financial statements. The man can look at a page of numbers, size-up how much money is going in, how much money is going out, and make an investment recommendation that basis. One of his close friends is a broker and, as a kid, I remember going over to his house to go swimming in the summer while the dads talked business.
That being said, my dad admits that his record is probably no better than average and he invests rather conservatively. But I will go to him from time to time with an investment possibility, show him the facts and weigh his advice. Neither he nor I am "get rich quick" kinds of investor, we're more of the "get rich slowly" type. Needless to say, I wouldn't put real money on a stock without running it by him and, with his lifetime of experience, he says this is a decent buy.
So, free of charge to all of you, I'd like to share a stock tip: Diageo (DEO). It's one of the world's biggest distillers and brewers, owning major brands like Guinness, Tanqueray, Captain Morgan, Crown Royal, Smirnoff, Ketel One, Seagram, Bailey's and Johnnie Walker (items which no decent bar or restaurant can be without). Their growth segment over the past few years has been tequila, and their long-term marketing strategy has been leaning-in to the premiumization of their brands. As expected, it pays a reliable dividend.
I bought a bunch of shares a few months ago and it's still been dropping, I might buy more soon. In the long run, I have a good feeling about this one.
Read More@sean_karaya @Land_of_the_losers
Why not just use email? Surely you both have anonymous email addresses available.
4mo ago The Hub
@sean_karaya So, how do I send it to you? The "original" is in more than 1 piece.
@Land_of_the_losers I wouldn't bother. Not enough to work with, really