@Typo-MAGAshiv Hoe cries "hoe"! Don’t get you panties up in a twist now. I am feeling magnanimous today so I’m going to break it down for you.
HERE IS THE IRONY: Calling women “cel” doesn’t land TO YOU, because YOU might use logic. she doesn’t give a flying fuck about suffixes and prefixes, or about the individual meaning of “cel” or “in” when the word drops. But she surely cares about being labeled anything similar to “incel” and by calling bitches femcels or any derivative it does exactly that. It does way more damage to her psyche because you speak IN HER LANGUAGE, using emotionally charged words. Where the fuck is the caving part? Insulting is more of a masculine pastime anyway, nobody said anything about making the conversation new age-y or whatever hippy bullshit terms are trending. You draw a hald assed conclusion about an idea you don't seem to understand. So tell me more about feminine penchants please? Back to femcel, she will end up saying to herself “why is he saying this to me? I’m supposed to call him an incel. I can not be a femcel because I am no mysoginist grlll power I don’t hate anybody” and so on, cue hamster spinning. I already laid this out for you but if it’s too difficult for you to understand just deal with it. Speaking in the prey's language is a tool from the RP toolbox, and people who have set the building blocks to the Red Pill laid this out a long time ago. Roissy even said this – “the best seducers must know their prey inside and out, and to do that one must adopt the psychology of his exquisite foe”
The only feminine penchant is from your side, my friend. I used the term as a neutral insult here on the thread and you end up nitpicking suffixes and prefixes. It’s just like in the Bill Burr routine where a couple has a fight and at some point, the dude calls her a cunt and from then on, it’s just about that and the whole initial idea is lost.
It’s a staple of effective communication to use the interlocutor’s own language habits. Inspin or insol (Roissy’s term) might work as effective, I don’t give a fuck, but you’re so pent up on geeking out over such terms like the world is going to change for the better if one uses femcel or not. (hint: it makes no difference)
The gold you “tried” to give me in this thread is worthless. To be able to educate someone requires first having some knowledge and then the ability to bend that knowledge in order to go forward with it. I cannot say for the former, but you seem to be lacking the latter. What, explaining some terminology that I am well aware of? wow much education! words have a neutral meaning (usually the dictionary term) and they have an effect which can vary – call a short woman short and she won’t bat an eye. call a short man short and you lost rapport on the spot (viceversa with ugly). he might be objectively short as well as some women might objectively not be celibates for too long.
So now I’m seriously questioning YOUR ability to comprehend words. Maybe you do understand them from a dictionary point of view, but maybe you are too much of a dork to also be able read the room and be fluid with terminology.
Read More@Typo-MAGAshiv says the person who misses the context and clings on a single word and drivels on about terminology. Yeah, no irony at all.
@Typo-MAGAshiv no you're not. It's just black and white thinking. Incel has long passed the Overton window, whether we like it or not. Other retarded terms (like the ones you mentioned) are not in use that much here in Romania (yet) and that's cool, but especially since the Tate debacle incel is here to stay for a while so might as well have fun with it.
The irony in your argument is that you are using logic to explain these nuances (which I can understand) but then you say women are immune to logic and reasoning.Like it matters if the prefix or the suffix remains. Maybe you're missing the fact that I'm using exactly the emotional charge of "incel" and weaponize it by spinning it to my advantage. Women also use "creep" a lot and you derail them if you call such. If you haven't tried it I wholly recommend it.
Tbf I've never heard much about inspin before, but for the sake of it I'll give it a spin (no pun intended). I am certain that the maximum I'll get will be rolled eyes and that's it. Femcel has a good track record whether I or other people have used it.
Read More@SwarmShawarma there's just several years difference between us from what I've seen, but otherwise yeah, there is still a different crowd here in Eastern Europe. We have our share of brain-fried people but you don't get the feeling that this nonsense is everywhere nor institutionalized. A lot of people are seeing bullshit for what it is, but the noise is getting louder and louder. More and more idiotic ideology and terminology is creeping in from the West.
@Typo-MAGAshiv you're not seeing the forest for the trees. It's more about speaking in THEIR language. If I'm going to start using inspin every day, I would waste more time explaining the term instead of making a point
@Typo-MAGAshiv for you maybe. It is tied to a woman not being able to get a relationship, and there are plenty of them. Bonus points if you say that to their face, as you're speaking their language. Have you ever tried calling seriously a woman a creep for some trumped up charges, as they like to call a lot of betas creeps? It hurts them. Same for femcels.
@Stigma I already see people (read: femcels) sharing news titles that are blaming it on men and right wing stuff. I wanted to play the psychologist and just ask them why do they feel that but I gave up as it's probably no use. To be honest I got triggered by this this time cause it feels that the walls are closing in more and more, there's no escape from this madness and there's nobody to talk to about this misandry
@Typo-MAGAshiv that was exceSSive. Don't get fuhrios now