3d ago The Hub
Incomplete list.
"The USA does not have a history, but does have a long criminal record"
Military Interventions Mexican-American War (1846–1848): U.S. invaded Mexico, annexed Texas, California, and other territories. Critics argue it was an imperialist war of expansion.
Philippine-American War (1899–1902): U.S. suppressed Filipino independence movement, resulting in hundreds of thousands of civilian deaths.
Banana Wars (Early 20th Century): Series of U.S. interventions in Central America and the Caribbean (e.g., Nicaragua, Haiti, Dominican Republic) to protect American business interests.
Korean War (1950–1953): U.S. intervened to support South Korea. High civilian casualties and accusations of excessive force.
Vietnam War (1955–1975): U.S. intervened to prevent communism. Millions of civilian deaths; war crimes like My Lai Massacre and Agent Orange use.
Invasion of Grenada (1983): U.S. invaded to overthrow a Marxist government, citing Soviet and Cuban influence.
Invasion of Panama (1989–1990): U.S. invaded to remove General Manuel Noriega, resulting in hundreds of civilian deaths.
Gulf War (1990–1991): U.S.-led coalition expelled Iraqi forces from Kuwait. Extensive bombing and sanctions harmed civilians.
Iraq War (2003–2011): U.S. invaded Iraq under false pretenses of WMDs. Hundreds of thousands of civilian deaths and regional destabilization.
Afghanistan War (2001–2021): U.S. invaded to dismantle Al-Qaeda and remove the Taliban. 20-year war with significant civilian casualties.
Libyan Intervention (2011): U.S. and NATO supported rebels to overthrow Muammar Gaddafi, leading to ongoing instability.
Syrian Civil War (2010s–Present): U.S. conducted airstrikes and supported rebel groups, contributing to the prolonged conflict.
Yemen (2015–Present): U.S. supported Saudi-led coalition airstrikes, contributing to a humanitarian crisis.
Coups and Political Meddling Iran (1953): CIA orchestrated coup to overthrow Prime Minister Mossadegh, reinstated the Shah. Led to decades of authoritarian rule and anti-American sentiment.
Guatemala (1954): CIA-backed coup overthrew President Árbenz, who threatened U.S. corporate interests (e.g., United Fruit Company).
Chile (1973): CIA supported coup that overthrew President Allende, installed dictator Augusto Pinochet.
Congo (1960–1965): U.S. supported removal and assassination of Prime Minister Lumumba, leading to dictator Mobutu Sese Seko.
Brazil (1964): U.S. supported military coup that overthrew President Goulart, leading to a 21-year dictatorship.
Indonesia (1965–1966): U.S. supported General Suharto’s rise to power, involving mass killings of 500,000–1 million suspected communists.
Haiti (1991, 2004): U.S. accused of involvement in ousting President Aristide twice.
Bolivia (1971): U.S. supported coup that installed dictator Hugo Banzer.
Greece (1967): U.S. supported military junta that overthrew the government.
East Timor (1975–1999): U.S. supported Indonesia’s invasion and occupation, which led to widespread atrocities.
Sponsoring Terrorism and Militant Groups Contras in Nicaragua (1980s): U.S. funded and armed Contras to overthrow the Sandinista government. Contras accused of widespread human rights abuses.
Mujahideen in Afghanistan (1980s): U.S. funded and armed Mujahideen to fight Soviets. Some groups later became Taliban and Al-Qaeda.
Operation Gladio (Post-WWII): CIA allegedly supported stay-behind networks in Europe to counter communism, some linked to terrorist attacks.
Syrian Civil War (2010s): U.S. accused of indirectly supporting extremist groups while fighting ISIS, leading to further destabilization.
Kurdish Groups (20th–21st Century): U.S. has armed and supported Kurdish groups in Iraq, Syria, and Turkey, often causing regional tensions.
War Crimes and Genocide Native American Genocide (18th–19th Centuries): U.S. systematically displaced and killed Native Americans through wars, forced relocations (e.g., Trail of Tears), and cultural eradication policies.
My Lai Massacre (1968): U.S. soldiers killed over 500 unarmed Vietnamese civilians during the Vietnam War.
Dresden and Tokyo Firebombing (WWII): U.S. bombing campaigns resulted in hundreds of thousands of civilian deaths in Germany and Japan.
Atomic Bombings (1945): U.S. dropped nuclear bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, killing over 200,000 civilians.
Abu Ghraib Torture Scandal (2003–2004): U.S. soldiers systematically abused and tortured Iraqi prisoners.
Drone Strikes (2000s–Present): U.S. drone strikes in Pakistan, Yemen, and Somalia resulted in significant civilian casualties.
No Gun Ri Massacre (1950): U.S. soldiers killed hundreds of South Korean refugees during the Korean War.
Agent Orange in Vietnam (1961–1971): U.S. sprayed toxic herbicides, causing long-term health and environmental damage.
Sanctions and Economic Warfare Iraq Sanctions (1990s): U.S.-led sanctions caused hundreds of thousands of civilian deaths due to lack of food and medicine.
Venezuela (2010s–Present): U.S. sanctions criticized for exacerbating economic hardship and contributing to a humanitarian crisis.
Cuba (1960s–Present): U.S. embargo has caused significant economic suffering for Cuban civilians.
North Korea (1950s–Present): U.S.-led sanctions have contributed to widespread poverty and food shortages.
Other Notable Actions Operation Condor (1970s–1980s): U.S. supported right-wing dictatorships in South America that coordinated to eliminate leftist opposition, resulting in tens of thousands of deaths.
Support for Israel (1948–Present): U.S. military and financial support for Israel has been criticized for enabling human rights violations against Palestinians.
Rwandan Genocide (1994): U.S. was criticized for inaction and failing to prevent the genocide.
Somalia (1992–1995): U.S. military intervention led to the Battle of Mogadishu and prolonged instability.
Ukraine (2014–Present): U.S. has provided military and financial support to Ukraine, escalating tensions with Russia.
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