9h ago The Hub
The green scam is profitable, very profitable. They'll keep shoving it down people's throats until we all tap out.
The green scam is especially serious in UK and EU. Industry is literally dying because of it. Power generation is dying because of it. And when we have no power and no industry, there will be no money coming in. And therefore no tax revenue.
Ed Miliband approves this message!
14h ago The Hub
@redpillschool some good news from the Donald - apparently no longer going to force people into these EVs. I can only hope that will soon come to UK.
Personally, I never actually believed that the EV mandate would ever come into force. It's just not credible.
We have a long way to go, but perhaps we are going to see the ESG crap fading. One can only hope.
The green scam is especially serious in UK and EU. Industry is literally dying because of it. Power generation is dying because of it. And when we have no power and no industry, there will be no money coming in. And therefore no tax revenue.
People forget this one simple thing - we live to an average of 83 in the first world because we have money. when the money is gone, the life expectancy will drop to 3rd world levels. There is no mystery to this. We use money in the first world to prevent dying (health, sanitation, emergency services). When there is no money left, we start dying.
Read More2d ago The Hub
@Typo-MAGAshiv @Typo-MAGAshiv yes, my comment was a monument to commemorate the LLS retard
I was a forums dot reds slut during that. I was here at the time but missed it :(
@Lone_Ranger LMAO, were you on this site yet when the #HeightTranny came here seeking validation for having already gotten that surgery?
Holy fuck that was hilarious.
5d ago It's Fake!
@Vermillion-Rx lol @deeplydisturbed is channeling that @lone_ranger Thread Necromancer energy
hitting they gym more
[your other numbers]
Hah. I keep forgetting that I sometimes have to be specific with these guys.
Just to clarify: I had meant becoming more attractive as outlined in the materials on the sidebar.
ZFG is a big part of that, and Roissy/Heartiste had some of the best writings on it.
6d ago 5th Generation War
@First-light there is a de-facto pact between the two parties in UK (Labour and Conservative). they both agree not to give the voter what they want, and they reason that the voter will therefore be forced to choose between 2 parties that are identical.
they didn't believe that a 3rd party might rise up.