@Lone_Ranger txting guide plz
1d ago The Hub
@Lone_Ranger The only good thing about UK devolution was how it came to bite labour in the back side. They thought it would set them up forever by killing the nationalist appeal. Instead we get to watch corrupt non entity politicians make rules that are designed not to solve problems but to prove they are not English, while English tax payers pay for it. Genius socialist idea.
It was a crap idea and costs money. Like pretty much all socialist ideas.
At this point I'm fairly well convinced democracy just doesn't work on the scale of nation states with populations in the millions. Maybe it has more utility in a relatively small nation with a homogeneous population (the Scandinavian nations pre-immigration, Japan, S. Korea); in larger nations with more mixed populations it just seems fertile ground for showing dissension.
I'd really like to believe in the melting pot philosophy on which the States was built. It obviously can work to some extent; both the US and UK did a pretty good job of integrating foreign migrants for a while. Trick is to manage new folks coming in without admitting bad actors, which is, well, tricky.
Who’s going to tell him?
Okay. I will
We already have the $$ = votes thing. And the more $$ one has the more control over messaging - And the easier it is to get lower income folks to vote for your bad ideas.
Getting rid of the poorest people won’t stop the Communist machine. Although I wish this were true.
Either way your proposal sounds good on paper but would not change much.
2d ago The Hub
Dude.. you're disappointing me here..
You're the last one I expected to talk about "democracy" here.
You ok?
2d ago The Hub
@First-light it's quite clear that democracy needs to be refined in order for it to be saved. the current system will always result in bankrupcy - for this simple reason - we have more voters that take from taxes than we do that contribute. so it is a logical inevitablility that governments will always simply punish the tax payers and reward the tax consumers.
the solution is simple: you dispense with the 'one man one vote' form of democracy and replace it with '$1k contribution, one vote'.
this would be very simple: if you paid $20k in taxes NET per year, you get 20 votes.
The NET things is very important - each citizen would have a social contribution a/c - which shows you how much you have paid in (taxes) and how much you have taken out (pension, student grant, benefits, state pension etc). this would empower the payers, and disempower the recievers.
It is likely then that in your lifetime, you would gain and lose the right to vote. for example, as a student, you would not be allowed to vote. when you start working and paying taxes, you would get the vote...and the more tax you paid, the more votes you would get. then, when you retired, your votes would be less. eventually you would lose the vote, as your state pension drawdowns would be greater than your contrinutions.
this is how you save democracy. it would exclude bums, blue haired single mums, old wasters, immigrants, etc etc.
The people that don;t contribute to the public coffers should have no vote. the more you contribute, the more votes you should get.
that is how you save society and democracy.
Read More2d ago The Hub
@woodsmoke one of the biggest mistakes the UK made was this nonsense of regional parliaments in the 1990s. The Scottish and (less so) the Welsh are not countries, but their fake 'parliaments' gave them the confidence they needed to cos play as nations.
They are not nations. They have no currency and no army. A place without a currency and without an army is not a country. their fake and gay 'parliaments' are not actual parliaments, because they are not sovereign -not in theory, and not in practice.
I have seen what has happened to countries that willingly throw away their sovereignty (all of countries in the EU). what happens is that they turn into beggars. They sole purpose of the elected is to be beggars. and people that beg for money, and then get it, do not spend wisely.
This is at the heart of the issue with the former countries that now make up the EU - they are all just beggars. they just want hand outs so that they can sit around spending money on vanity projects that are basically just pointless virtue signaling - like net zero.
When Germany signed away its sovereignty to the EU, they were basically just admitting that they hated themselves. self loathing is the root cause of decline.
Read More(UK is the country, not 'England')
Right, I'm aware of the distinction but my understanding is the Scottish are pretty cucked as well. Suppose I don't know about the Welsh.
The state and seemingly inescapable fate of Germany is downright tragic. They have everything they need to be one of the premier powers in the world yet they're so thoroughly cucked by oikophobic indoctrination they'll willingly throw it all away to appease the very architects of their destruction.
@Lone_Ranger I didn't make it (hence the "[stolen]"), but that would make a great addition