@LovecraftsNightmare here is my point: your nation is not your tribe
5y ago The Hub
@GayLubeOil your tribe does has the deepest discussion, but that isn’t you.
You’re thinking of the word ‘work’ far too literally. Work is anything that requires effort on behalf of the man in question. Work to feed the family, could be anything from a warehouse to hunting. Thus, your quote in the meme about the worker being reduced to the level of a commodity is not analogous to all workers.
Whatever brings me a better tomorrow is surely good, no?
I’m unsure as to why you keep bringing up my ethnicity, as far as I’m concerned yours has no sway on this conversation.
5y ago The Hub
@LeashedDoggie Humanity is inherently evil, and it is only through struggle that we are good. To beat a dead horse, it is through work that we might struggle to become good. Nazi’s gassing Jews is a direct example of inherent evil and dereliction of the struggle to do good. It would have been work and sacrifice to stand up and say no to the abhorrent tasks set before them. It was surrender and weakness that kept them evil.
They did not work to be better.
5y ago The Hub
@LovecraftsNightmare The owns actual ranch wasn't a casual boast, it was a seed crystal purposefully dropped into the discussion to test whether a Simulacra and Simulation angle would develop among the Philos-ifters, or whether an insult-and-mic-drop pattern would prevail. The results of this thought experiment are now committed to print.