@Makingausernamehard Can you send me the image you're trying to use? redpillschool @ t r p . red thanks
Trying to update the Books tribe's cover image. After updating I receive a blank page. Other form inputs update fine.
@SeasonedRP what if I wanted to open a bar or business that required a substantial initial investment cost. I'm missing out on those opportunities by locking my funds away
5y ago Financial Independence
@Makingausernamehard I second enfier. Max out your 401k and IRA and you'll have a nice sum of money by the time you're in your mid-50s. Your income will grow over time and you won't even notice your contributions to these funds. Index funds are your best bet unless you are quite knowledgeable about valuing businesses. You can view these as a backup to any riskier ventures you decide to undertake.
I'm in my mid 20s with a solid job making 80k. The general strategy I've read up on is to Max out my 401k and my IRA for tax advantages and matching. However, I've been struggling with the sink cost of not having immediate capital Incase riskier but more profitable ventures rise up.
What do you guys think? Dump and lock it all into index funds to play the long game, or build up in a savings account for potential opportunities?
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