Is making eye contact with girls giving them power?
I've heard 2 sides. Some say yes, do it, approach or if you see them frequently you can ask them out 3rd time you see them after some small talk.
Some say it's pointless to eye out girls because that gives them attention and power in some way, thus "we need to be on our mission and not look at obstacles".
Or we can make eye contact with a girl in a club or elsewhere just to test if they like us back and then approach them?
Before I was making eye contact with every girl I see just to see my SMV and to practise, it'd give me a boost of confidence sometimes especially when they smile or look at me.
What's the correct mindset to this?
1 guy said I'm uninvested you say otherwise...
Are you at all familiar with synonyms?
..."the problem is that you're too available to people on multiple social media sites, because you either don't value your time and energy, or have nothing particularly important to do from one day to the next"...
A lack of commitment to any one single thing is the same as, or synonymous with, not being invested into any one single thing. '1 guy' and I are likely more understanding of your situation than you are of what either of us have written to help you thus far. You're on snapchat, instagram, and lord knows what else to chat with these girls. You're all over the place. Reign it in.
...I really limited myself and didn't reveal too much, she doesn't know anything about me, so that familiarity doesn't make sense since it doesn't exist.
You're thinking about what you've told these girls about yourself. I'm talking about your over-availability to chat on several different services with any one girl.
I seriously recommend you read Doc Love's "The System: The Dating Dictionary". If his book and advice archive vibe well with your desire to be successful with females, re-read his media several times, or better yet, study it. The sidebar is too advanced for you, but the book is a solid foundation to start with.
Read More@carnold03 1 guy said I'm uninvested you say otherwise. I really limited myself and didn't reveal too much, she doesn't know anything about me, so that familiarity doesn't make sense since it doesn't exist.
I've read the sidebar and some of the mentioned materials. I've had some luck with women but not as much as I desired.
The most common thing is flaking in a way where if I do set up a date, they find an excuse 2 3 days later.
For example, I'm talking to this blondie. She's like 6-7. Since I'm younger I added her on snap, we live in a same small town. She kept asking me questions, I didn't chase her at all (like said in lessons). I'll talk to her, snap with her at night and then either seen her or leave on delivered till the next night.
She was always the 1st one to hit me up every night. Since 1st day we didn't talk as much, the 2nd day I asked her out. She was very enthusiastic and wanted to go out. I set up a date and all that.
Day after she would still talk, ask me questions first and all that. Following day she didn't hit me up, maybe she went to sleep or she saw that I'm out and didn't want to bother ig.
Today she hits me up again and sends black screen saying her grandpa is sick and she's visiting him at hospital. It's amazing how they can lie, it's obvisouly an excuse and I had the exact same excuse told before by other girls.
It's really pathetic to lie about your grandpa being at the deathdoor basically and she even has a psalm on her Insta, talk about being "godly".
At that night only 3-4 black screen snaps she sent, but before she would send me half-sexual snaps, she in dress or smth like that.
The problem is she didn't even reschedule, like saying I can't this day let's go the other day. I think I'll ask her again in 2-3 days and if she flakes again I'll remove her.
Why this happens? A girl agrees to go on a date and then flakes, that's basically the most common pattern that I get with girls when they "suddenly" flake.
When a chick flakes, it's because they're not interested. How you deal with that is entirely up to you, but when it happens the best policy would be to cease any further interactions with that specific female, place them on your blocklist, and engage with others when you're ready.
Simply because a girl you asked out on a date says 'yes' one minute, doesn't mean she's obliged to follow-through and go out with you later. What keeps a chick from flaking on any date she sets is her interest in getting to know the guy who asked her out. She needs to be interested in you when you're otherwise unavailable to her. When you interact with her several times over social media, she gains some familiarity with you, and that erodes her interest in getting to know you in person. For females, they think that if they can get your attention over social media, they don't need to waste their time with you in person.
In this instance, the problem is that you're too available to people on multiple social media sites, because you either don't value your time and energy, or have nothing particularly important to do from one day to the next. You're on instagram, snapchat, and likely also on other social media sites like facebook, twitter, linkedin, parler, and whatever else has its hour of fame. And why wouldn't you be? It's free to have an account, many of your relatives, friends, and other acquaintances have accounts. The problem is, using this to make contact with females just makes it easier for them to waste your time and reject you, leaving you frustrated.
Consider investing into a reliable ready reference you can pick up and study to better prepare yourself for engaging the opposite sex. I'd suggest that you get yourself a copy of Doc Love's "The System: The Dating Dictionary". Doc Love, who until his passing was also known as Tom Hodges, wrote a weekly advice column that's archive is mirrored on several mens focused sites and a podcast. His media is a bit pricey, but it's a solid foundation a guy can branch out from in RP aware circles. I'd suggest you review his advice column to decide if his view on dating and relationships is aligned with what you aspire for yourself. To save yourself a search, give this scribed link a gander to find out if his book is something you'd like to add to your library. It should also be available on libgen.
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