5d ago TheRedPill
What's your opinion on cheating as a man in a relationship? Woman tend to be attracted to males with options. Do you think women will just accept it when you cheat as a man? What are the consequences? Do you think it's morally ok to cheat as a man? Men who cheated, do you regret it? Asking for a friend
Well, maybe you should encourage this friend of yours to register on TRP so they can ask questions for themself. I doubt those are the only ones they've got and we're not the sort to bite.
6d ago TheRedPill
What's your opinion on cheating as a man in a relationship? Woman tend to be attracted to males with options. Do you think women will just accept it when you cheat as a man? What are the consequences? Do you think it's morally ok to cheat as a man? Men who cheated, do you regret it? Asking for a friend
1w ago TheRedPill
How far is having feelings for your girlfriend considered normal / ok? Is this a complete black or white thing? Either you love woman or you understand them? Is the "butterfly feelings" emotional dependency?* How do I know wether I'm in a healthy mental condition in the relationship or tend to have onities? And how could I fix this?
In my case this feeling only comes after spending a weekend with here. I just Ignore it.
If you and your girlfriend treat each other in ways that you're both mutually comfortable with, then I can only pray you both work to build something strong and lasting. There's nothing wrong with growing a strong, emotionally fulfilling connection with another human being. You don't need anyone's permission to continue with your girlfriend, let alone to justify or validate the relationships you keep to anonymous nobodies like us.
To help you, consider investing into a reliable ready reference you can pick up and study to better prepare yourself for engaging the opposite sex. I'd suggest that you get yourself a copy of Doc Love's "The System: The Dating Dictionary". Doc Love, who until his passing was also known as Tom Hodges, wrote a weekly advice column that's archive is mirrored on several mens focused sites and a podcast. His media is a bit pricey, but it's a solid foundation a guy can branch out from in RP aware circles. I'd suggest you review his advice column to decide if his view on dating and relationships is aligned with what you aspire for yourself. To save yourself a search, give this scribed link a gander to find out if his book is something you'd like to add to your library. It should also be available on libgen.
Read More@Mate1212 It's okay to have feelings for a woman you've been with for 2 years. Don't sperg out. Enjoy the ride.
2w ago TheRedPill
@redpillschool almost 2 years. She haven't kissed a guy before me and I felt that lol. This is also the reason why I fear onities. The thought that the chance of meeting another chick with same or better quality with such a clean past is getting smaller with every year is haunting me. And I know that nowadays it's unrealistic to stay in a relationship for a lifetime. I can't imagine myself dipping into a second hand girl right now. Might be a bit paranoid but it kinda feels like a ticking bomb, although the relationship is going good so far.
@Mate1212 How long have you been with this chick?
2w ago TheRedPill
How far is having feelings for your girlfriend considered normal / ok? Is this a complete black or white thing? Either you love woman or you understand them? Is the "butterfly feelings" emotional dependency?* How do I know wether I'm in a healthy mental condition in the relationship or tend to have onities? And how could I fix this?
In my case this feeling only comes after spending a weekend with here. I just Ignore it.
1mo ago TheRedPill
Could you guys give me a book recommendation with practical steps on how to get more self-confident and develop an alpha frame on a deep, subconscious level?
I know the game and all, but sometimes I have a bad instinctive reaction (sometimes just body language) to some shit tests or new situation. I can hold it back, by just saying nothing for a while and realizing what's happening (my intuitive reaction would fail the shit test / situation). I don't want these close calls anymore.
How can I develop such a deep alpha mentality / frame that I react correctly without getting emotionally triggered and having to wait until I'm clear minded and calm?
Self-confidence usually grows as a result of pursuing and overcoming the various challenges of life. During which time, you come to understand what interests, drives, and motivates you. To that end, I suggest that you get yourself two sheets of paper and a pen.
On the first sheet write down a list of things that you've been putting off on the back burner due to work, schooling, or just life in general. It doesn't matter how silly, or stupid the task or idea might be, just write it down. When you're done, take the second sheet of paper, and re-write the items from the first list starting with what you believe to be the simplest, easiest task, to the most complicated.
When you're done with the second list, get to work. The challenge once you've got the list done won't be simply accomplishing them, but not allowing yourself to be de-spirited whenever you encounter difficulty, or failure. To not let yourself be defeated. You'll spend the time to troubleshoot and diagnose the problem, then start over. If you need help, ask. There's no shortage of #books we can recommend that may help you achieve your goal.
Best of luck to you.
Read More1mo ago Offensive Memes
@Typo-MAGAshiv it depends in which country you're living. There are countries where marriage contracts are really flexible...
I have to correct myself, yes there is no reason to marry. I have a mental model in my mind that marriage equals having kids and a monogamous relationship with a woman.
Do you guys think this is possible in our area? Or would you always end up as beta chump?