6h ago The Hub
Listened to Nuclear Caudillo podcats about casual relationships. Onne of the Rule 0.
At some point he states somethngi like: woman controls the sex and the relationship, if you want to keep easy sex, you are not there to judge etc but to be hot.
Makes me think that this is the way how men might talk about a woman, say 5k years ago.
6h ago The Hub
@LeonBarosanul your example isn't the gaslighting as you relate to something that happened outside of her perception.
You'd have to say: you did that last time.
it's to make her doubt her own sanity.
Although it sounds harsh and the gaslighting doesn't have to be super malicious, I agree with Typo herw
Altho I do not agree with that:
isn't to cover your tracks or gain anything materially;
It can serve any purpose intended by the gaslighter. This tactic is heavily correlated with the narcisists.
7h ago The Hub
@LeonBarosanul liver is tasty as fuck, downside is I know how to prep it only with plenty of oil. Sure it can be drained.
Another downside it splashes the oil around all the time.
But jezz... the taste.
15h ago The Hub
@Kloi yep
I'd say, if one reads the room good enough, the gaslighting opportunities will naturally occur. Often what one need to do is shut up.
My plate can visit me onlybifbshe is blindfolded.
She technically didn't see my place (except from the entrance corridor) for months.
One day I gave her the sleepers. She has never seen or wore them before. Now she thinks it is some other bitches'
- you never had the sleepers
(I see the hamster on a trip)
- they are nice arent they
- are they new?
- not important
(Sleeps them off)
- I don't want to wear them
- ok
(The Day continues)
I found that saying almost nothing, never giving complete info about mylife does the job.
Blindfold girl. I mix 2 alcohols for experience.
- Is this the X you gave me time ago
- yes, and no
(my overused term BTW)
- so what is it
- I'll tell you the otlther day
15h ago The Hub
Signing away Ukraine's mineral and other natural resource was bad
And what exactly would happen if in 12m, another president would say. No the deal is invalid, we don't want to share resources.
Yes we could argue. But the odds are, nothing would happen.
So in theory he traded the virtual contracts, of virtual minerals (how do we know what was discovered anyway?), virtual contracted time - for no help.
Downside,the EU would ask for a share, and would get pissed off if they didnt get anything of value and EU apparently paid more for the war than the a US so far.
I read EU countries also look for the minerals reimbursement.
On the other side you have Ukrainian (or else) oligarchs that were taking most of the resources.
The deal was mostly about sharing what the oligarchs would take.
I dont know what their game plan is but if the UE wont be able to keep up with help then the oligarchs will have to share with the Russians.
The Resorces are simply a payment. Its rather surprising they thought the supplies will always come for free. If they didn't then its obvious they have some other plans.
Now lets combine it with financial situation of Europe/US.
How long will they be able to pump the money into the war and provide an adequate level of life.
How long before the China and India sitting on the sidelines will get to close to threaten the ampire.
Looking at the US from the point of ancient Rome... the us already have the debauchery and is involved in many conflicts. Different times sure, but do the US what to find out will the effects be the same?
Enough for now
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