7mo ago TheRedPill
@TulioHumanos What you said is true. There's going to be hesitancy, social anxiety, and they'll be hard to read. They're going to need time. Helps to share a class, club, work. They aren't unicorns, just socially inept. She may not be interested in a relationship, with you or at all. Have options as usual.
What I've learned is that making yourself approachable helps. Smile and be easy to talk to. I can be a real piece of shit, shy girls run away from that. Security of the mind knowing you're still the shit even if you don't dress like it, drive a car like it, act like it, just to fuck with chicks is actually not that bad. You'll even seem different to them which is a WIN WIN. Acting like you mean well is good bait.
10mo ago TheRedPill
@S0me0ne What you say isn't as important as maintaining a masculine alpha frame. You could say you think of nothing, or you think of her, or you think of some other things that adds value to her life. It doesn't matter as long as you can hold frame.
10mo ago TheRedPill
Finally now that TheRedPill has kicked in its full effect on me, I can now contribute back to my roots. I'll lurk some more on this forum to find out what is missing, and contribute to it. Godspeed men!
Hey I wanted to thank everyone that has contributed to TheRedPill, it has personally attributed high personal value and contributed to my life greatly. I had a father I was only able to base a few principles off of. TheRedPill made it a lot easier to navigate the real world. It took me 7 years to implement TheRedPill in my life, I found it when I was 14. Lucky me.
5y ago TheRedPill
@raaron773 www.reddit.com/r/redpillbooks/comments/3rk5zk/the_red_pill_mega_book_collection_v20/ From this collection -How to Dominate Women -Sex God Method -The Rational Male -No More Mr. Nice Guy -The Millionaire Fastlane