"You gotta risk it to get the biscuit "
Relationship Philosophy:
The only relationship that matters is between myself and me in 30 years.
@revengerence I disagree, as long as BB are there to remove the negative consequences of their actions you can't blame them for acting irrationally.
@RedRum Of course they do, why challenge your individual ethos and personality when you can simply refuse to validate the opposing argument. Especially online where there is zero accountability for any thing you say.
@redpillschool Can we extend the band to the plebs who refuse to lift, read the sidebar and then complain that they aren't seeing any notable changes in their lives. I suggest a two strike policy; instead of pestering the endorsed contributors and equivalent to be spoon fed a tailored response to suit their frail ego. (Rant over)
@blue_dover Thanks for putting all of this together it is a great compilation. Possibly sidebar material keep up the good work
@redpillschool Have you thought about the Already red sub, it doesn't get used much and it had some of the purest RP content.
One thing about TRP that needs more recognition are the high quality comments/replys on some of the posts. Has anyone thought about doing a compilation of them; they are definitely worthy of the sidebar in my opinion.
@underarmourgold Couldn't agree more this current obsession of every post needing to be condensed. So people yet to swallow the pill can trick themselves into believing they are gaining something when in reality they are just engaging in light reading and never actually improving themselves.
@RedRum I assume its 'empowering' to embrace their post-wall reality at such a young age.
The only relationship that matters is between myself and me in 30 years.