1mo ago TheRedPill
Should I hire my girlfriend?
Living in a 3rd world country making 1st world money. I can comfortably hire my girlfriend to work for me in my business.
Red pill was always about self improvement and getting to a point where you can make your women not need to call another man boss.
So I had this idea that I could hire my girlfriend to work for me. Of course she is vetted for ltr before I even considered this entire idea.
What do you guys think about it and would it go wrong?
The single purpose of a wife is to bear you children. You are not locking her in by marrying her, you are only locking yourself in. Why would you want to do that with more than one woman? One is already too many. Have in mind that if sibling relationship is already kindof hellish, half-sibling relationship is... much worse
1y ago TheRedPill
Before I begin. I'd like to intro my stats: Early 20's, 6 figure earner, jacked, fashionable, and very experienced with game. I and others would rank my SMV at top 10%. My women is the traditional house wife type. Early 20s, does all the house chores and cooks every single one of my meal. Submissive, respects my time, accepts that I see other women casually, and does exactly as I say. After being with many many women, I understand how hard it is to run into this type of women in the United States. The problem is she knows that I see many women on the side but she doesn't know that I want multiple wives. I plan on staying in another country for a few months. Within those few months I plan on looking for a long term relationship that is a potential wife. When I first met her, I told her she was the only women I would marry. But over time, my horizon expanded and I want more now... First came the casual partners, which she accepted. It is closed on her side, meaning she cannot entertain or see other men. How do i tell her that I will be away for a few months in another country? I have never been away for that long because we live together. Should I even tell her I am looking for another wife or let her find out naturally? She definitely got emotionally damaged from me seeing other women, but she has no other choice because I'm her best option. But I think that another marriage is a step much bigger than just casual sex with others.
Read More1y ago TheRedPill
I have a girlfriend and also spin several plates. I have reached a level in my life where girls are absolutely abundant in all forms. From threesomes to solo dates. But one issue i always always run into is plates ask me whether or not i have a girlfriend. In the past i said yes and the plate usually breaks. They almost always figure this out through my instagram, i have my gf and several other girls on there too. For guys who are experienced with situation such as mine. What is the best response?
Reads more like you've got an open harem with a favorite girl that could otherwise be considered your girlfriend for ease of discussion. Your social media profiles enable you to cultivate the illusion of abundance with minds that have been preconditioned to be easily exploited with staged images of people under bright light, with shiny teeth, and overpriced clothes.
Be honest with them when they ask. It's not like you can't get fresh new plates and it's not their fault social media is fake and gay, only that they were gullible enough to believe it was ever real.
Read More1y ago TheRedPill
@Desaint thing is, my instagram shows hella social proof and financial status. But its like a double edged sword.
1y ago TheRedPill
I have a girlfriend and also spin several plates. I have reached a level in my life where girls are absolutely abundant in all forms. From threesomes to solo dates. But one issue i always always run into is plates ask me whether or not i have a girlfriend. In the past i said yes and the plate usually breaks. They almost always figure this out through my instagram, i have my gf and several other girls on there too. For guys who are experienced with situation such as mine. What is the best response?
1y ago TheRedPill
Friends that dont have your back, confront or silently next?
I have known this friend for quite some time now. I recently helped him get a job and now we work together. An issue occured between a co worker who was talking shit behind my back to try and get my shifts removed. I told my friend to text the manger to reinforce i was a good worker and to have my shifts stay, he agreed. But later to find out he didnt.
In scenario where your friend doesnt have your back. Do you next them like girls or confront them?
There has been several occasions where he agreed to things and then brush it off or not take action upon his words. In this case, should i confront him or just next him as a friend?
This is just a side job for me so it means nothing if i work or not. But its just the fundamentals behind this issue.
Why confront them at all? You found out the content of a fair weather friends character and it was your employer who put money in your pocket to make that discovery. There are guys who find these things out under vastly worse circumstances. The way I see it, you're free to move on without having to concern yourself over that guy later.
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@Newbie-Casanova Sounds like the type who won't even notice or acknowledge that you've "silently nexted" him.
1y ago TheRedPill
Friends that dont have your back, confront or silently next?
I have known this friend for quite some time now. I recently helped him get a job and now we work together. An issue occured between a co worker who was talking shit behind my back to try and get my shifts removed. I told my friend to text the manger to reinforce i was a good worker and to have my shifts stay, he agreed. But later to find out he didnt.
In scenario where your friend doesnt have your back. Do you next them like girls or confront them?
There has been several occasions where he agreed to things and then brush it off or not take action upon his words. In this case, should i confront him or just next him as a friend?
This is just a side job for me so it means nothing if i work or not. But its just the fundamentals behind this issue.
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