1y ago The Hub
You can't have this conversation and make it politically correct. That is precisely the point of political correctness. It's not to exchange sharp words with softer words. Political correctness has always been a linguistic tool to exchange sharp ideas for worse, more incorrect ideas. The farther you stray from truth, the harder it becomes to navigate the world around you.
Political correctness has always been a left wing tool to redefine the boundaries of the debate in order to win the debate by underhand means. It is not that it just draws you away from truth, it intentionally has no interest in truth. It cares about winning, it cares about power. A distinctly communist affectation towards reality.
2y ago The Hub
Todays opportunity to laugh yourself silly:
You're not exactly wrong... but if we don't slice this carefully, we run the risk of veering off into a pointless semantic dispute.
So let me explain exactly what I mean by "gynocentricity" is that statement.
I don't mean the idea that women are more inherently valuable. That is instinctively built into all humans, even those of us here on this forum, and from a certain perspective, it's actually true.
Women are far more necessary than we are for the vital task of making replacement humans. That is a real source of inherent value, and we have far less of it than they do. Every successful human society has acknowledged this. Take care of your breeding-age women, and your little girls, or you are fucked.
But when I call a society "gynocentric" (to distinguish it from other societies that aren't) is that it is ideologically centered around femaleness. This distinction is subtle but important. A copper mine is a precious natural resource, but I don't ask its opinion on what is morally right, or what is an acceptable level of taxation, or who should run the DOE.
A gynocentric is not just a society that values women. Every successful society values women, and any society that doesn't value women is stupid and deserves to die. A gynocentric society is one that is held the desires of women to the exclusion of the opinions, beliefs, and needs of men. This is another sort of culture-wide suicide.
This whole business is the reason why women have been historical disempowered (in certain contexts)... because women are precious, and safety and freedom are opposing forces. You cannot "liberate" a woman without reducing the amount of protection she receives.
Now, our culture is having the old college try at this, by telling women to do whatever the fuck they want, and trying to shift all the blame and consequences for their bad decision making to men.
But it is failing.
No matter how much west tries to shield women from the consequences of their own poor judgement (using the bodies of men as shields), it is failing, because women who make poor choices almost always suffer. No one is our society has the power to prevent this, no matter hard they try.
Women are suffering because they have not only been given a lot of freedom (which women don't generally handle well), but have received it in the total absence of any warnings or preparatory instruction. Such warnings would be called misogynistic, as if they somehow created reality rather than described it.
We are essentially playing a culture wide game of make-believe, trying to pray hard enough to make reality into what some intellectuals think fairness looks like. Make-believe is fun until it runs up against physical reality, in that moment when your dumb seven year old ass jumps off the roof and learns that no matter how hard you believe in fairies, you cannot actually fly.
Personally, I am not in favour of "un-liberating" women for their own good. Helping people who don't ask is almost always a mistake, because they never appreciate it, and often find a way to blame you for rescuing them, or for the very problem you rescued them from.
The solution is far simpler... convince men to stop being Big Chief Savaho. Let women bear the consequences of their own bad choices with zero intervention. The ones who wanna do whatever the fuck they want without thinking about cause and effect will do just that, then sink without a trace to a socioeconomic level where middle-to-upper class males like ourselves will never have to interact with them except to order food. And the wiser ones will still be around for us to date.
Read More2y ago The Hub
@Whisper "Christianity was the beginning of gynocentricity in the culture of the west"
Surely gynocentricity is built into us as humans from the evolutionary perspective? Your tribe must contain women in abundance otherwise your tribe will die out or you'll inbreed until destruction. This is why it ends up in all religions as they try to regulate hypergamy to a more fruitful end... just seems like christianity did it the best, hence European domination of the world following the industrial revolution.
I wouldn't know. I don't really pay much attention to Britain. It's not really not relevant to anything I'm interested in.
And I haven't really been following your whole pissing contest... it's not that interesting either. What piqued my interest was the bit about the principle of free speech.
As far as I can tell, you're upset because some rando handed you a zero-consequences "you suck" token.
Is that correct?
2y ago The Hub
Nah, I've dealt with Brits many a time. You just got whoooooshed because you're too serious and need to lighten up a bit. Not everything is life or death, bud.
Nah, you're just tedious, arrogant and "not funny." That's all it is. You are BORING.
There's more you said I want to respond to, but once again, I'm drunk as hell on one of the few occasions I get to sleep it off the next day. If I remember after I sober up, I'll get back to you with whatever it was I've already forgotten if it comes back to me.
Hurr-durr-I'm-a-stupid-retard-and-am-blaming-my-dumb-on-the-drink. You weren't the only person at a party this evening. I'm like 12 whiskies in bro, plus 7-12hrs ahead, as will likely be shown in my previous post not being proper English. I've done plenty of dumb shit on the drink, including posting, but I've always been able to hit the basics in terms of arguments. You're struggling because you're in a weak position and need to rethink your position/put it forward in a different way to make yourself seem less weak.
What you don't realise is that this is actually a great reply for me. It completes a conclusion for me without needing to watch any further. You are just a stupid waste of space who adds no value in his replies. I do not respect you and am unlikely to ever respect you, based on your behaviour. Go sober up, come up with your oh-so-clever-comeback, so I can complete my evaluation of you as a worthless addition to the community, who has no brains, and nothing of value to contribute so I can block you and continue with my journey happily.
Read More2y ago The Hub
@Whisper hahaha, I'm sensing this is more likely a cultural difference. Between the UK and the USA humour only seems to transfer one way from what I've observed. I'm very familiar with Paine and Jefferson (great men), their arguments on speech were better put later by a full throated Englishman in my view - J.S. Mill. There's nothing you've stated that I'm not familiar with or don't agree with. Except you missed the heckler's veto.
Due to the differing cultural standards in things like etiquette and humour, Americans tend to laugh at British comedy, but it is not particularly common in reverse. A cultural oddity. Something I will no doubt have to come to terms with if I move the US. (something I've been considering, I'll likely fall under the 2nd tier of your immigration policy but we'll see if Britain can be rescued first.) I'm assuming in good faith that typomagashiv thinks he's funny. Unfortunately I didn't find him funny in this case. I'm genuinely irritated by Tate. My post was not some stupid position supporting something which was not red pill, it was merely voicing my irritation over something specific that was tangentially related to TRP. I suspect you've weighed in because you felt it was "busting my balls" or whatever, but were I to show any of my mates this sort of thing it'd be labelled "wankerbanter" - a term I'm sure you're not familiar with. It's a term we use to describe men who attempt banter and it doesn't land properly/has the opposite social effect.
Though I'd suggest you're probably not even right to wade in on that. We are all on the same page with regards reddit being a cesspit. The issue I have is not being mocked, it is being told I should not mention something, in this case that knobend Tate. You want to mock me for talking about Tate? Have at it. You want you tell me you're issuing me with a "punishment" of sorts for daring to mention a topic or a person? You're into heckler's veto territory. Something I'm sure you're opposed to - otherwise you'd need to concede that cancel culture is fine.
We're all on the same side here. It was wrong to remove you from reddit. My reminder to typo was that reddit is such a cesspit because it's "democratic" upvote/downvote system is the tyranny of the majority in action. What happens when organised protest becomes the heckler's veto on steroids. The same problem was why twitter had become a cesspit. No benefit in this place going the same way, just with a different set of noisy people.
Though one question remains: why do you guys misspell Paine's surname? (If I was being picky, if memory serves it is literally Thomas Pain though I don't recall why it changed.) It's something I've noted a few times. I've known a couple of folks with the surname Payne in my life, is just that?
Read MoreBeing mocked for what you say is not censorship. Censorship is having what you say removed and silenced so that others cannot see or hear it.
People get confused a lot because of a mistake the early republican thinkers (Payne, Jefferson, etc) made... they called it "freedom of speech".
The mistake there was that they construed the fundamental right as the right of the speaker to speak. They missed out on the far more important component, which is the right of the audience to listen.
When I was booted off reddit for saying that violence is an understandable response to someone raping your child, it wasn't just, or even mainly, a violation of my right to say stuff. The far more important violation was the violation of the right of thousands upon thousands of people to voluntarily hear what I have to say.
If I mock someone for saying something I think is stupid, I am not in any way preventing others from choosing to hear it.
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