@Niko_Choski Haha yeah, I wanted to make sure there was room if your title spanned multiple lines. But you're always welcome to modify it for your own site! Glad you like it!
8y ago The Hub
@redpillschool Fucking brilliant! One thing to note. I changed the height attribute to 150. 350 is I believe a bit too long dude! :D
8y ago The Hub
@Niko_Choski Identity politics seems to be the only game in town any more, making nominal allies easily divided and conquered or kept in a perpetual state of frustration. I'm "old" and find today's political labels don't fit well; part Libertarian, part Classic Liberal, but what does that mean when Obama is right of Nixon in many ways?
8y ago The Hub
New blog post on Propaganda that I see on the manosphere. Ehmm, I hope no-one gets easily offended...
@Shanksnes I am all for it. The aim is to pass on the knowledge. I am all for it. It's why I am here and not just on YT