I think for the most part you are right.
Most users of insta are exactly that.
I also think it is possible to build or have a frame of not being
passive males posting their plumage
When I was learning day approaching, I didnt even like indirect openers. Somewhere inside it was revolting.
9mo ago The Dark Winter
Too many people just take sides and yell at everyone who disagrees.
Also by design.
I look at anyone who tries to induce loads of emotions, with suspicion.
Parsons said Dean became ill and went to the hospital because he was having trouble breathing just over two weeks ago. He was intubated and developed pneumonia and then a serious bacterial infection, MRSA.
So COVID works with cooexisting conditions.
There's an upgrade to suicide by cop. Suicide by Boeing. Its better, life insurance policy stays valid.
Still testing it. But I have taken what women care about the most (in my case reputation) and use it to frame my tactics around my needs.
These are things she understands better.
She can even read into your tactics to apply how she should go about her own behaviour.
For it to work she has to be invested and/or manipulated.
In the end, I took the easy way out. The easy way out is no booze. The hard way is trying to control it.
Sexoholics are fucked then. Unless permanent monk node.
But seriously, I have that sometimes, I cant decide should I post something openly, or in PM. I got used to openly communicating because of exchanging notes, others learning from comments and all that.
What I have noticed here might be case of going 1 bridge too far.
You start with genuine interest and proceed to something that is close enough to preaching. That also has to trigger ego defence, either typo wants or not.
Id say half of the message could be done on PM, to lower AEG. Anti ego defence.
Shit tests.
Some of them are not even shit tests it is overreaction of the guy.
Example. I let the girl hold my finger as opposed to handhold. She asks am I cold as its chilly outside. I say I'm generally fine except my finger that is cold from your cold bitch heart.
Its a diss so any good † + shyish + investes girl naturally would react with 'oh really' maybe even with sad face to look for validation or bit playfully. So she doesnt even shit test. Its the guy failing normal coversation, which becomes failed shit test only because of the failure.
† good as not crazy 1000 cock stare slut
Here a guy would also notice a difference between slut and not slut (assuming that both know each other some and first ASD is gone - for better calibration). Slut will be ,constantly challenging and wont be looking for validation nor be playful.
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