1mo ago Women Behaving Badly
@deeplydisturbed btw I didnt watch till the end, I understand it is being claimed he was not aware?
In my case getting so much bad news, depicted. I'd be speechless. There is only so much you can take and then there is nothing to say, all is self explanatory.
The guy talks a lot, worried about wife's welfare, is very aware not to incriminate himself, stories about the moving objects, knows some very specific details...
I'm not expecting he was taking any part, but I think he knew something was off.
Not blaming him, he might have been warned by his wife he'll face some falase accusations if he wont fuck off and give up.
1mo ago The Hub
Soooo... if TRP is having its name originated from The Matrix and we're the heroes of our own story. And on top of that if we are by large right wing... do you know what does it makes us?
(Forget here that he really was a national socialist ofc)
1mo ago RP Memes
@Vermillion-Rx doesn't them all except that one time you recording your fart lit with the fire
1mo ago Women Behaving Badly
TBF there was a man in the houshold, later on he was still paying up, possibly covering most of the expenses, this is a fucking mansion.
1mo ago Women Behaving Badly
- kid being obviously mistreated, woman 1 not even being the mother, gets to stand around like nothing happened
- father's questioning - "how did you discipline your kids", wonder how much would they fuck him up and transfer responsibility away from the mother, if he got this answer slightly wrong
- Jesus - seemingly one of his first concerns to "your kid was roped, duct taped, visible marks on extremities, malnurished, your wife involved" is "what will happen to my wife", I hope this video was edited a lot, this dude otherwise would be a disgusting beta, possibly tho he might have been aware to some degree