@Typo-MAGAshiv Oh and as to your "hey you're alive"
I'm very hard to kill!
Except cancer. That's probably gonna get me given the quantity of cigars I smoke.
@deeplydisturbed as an aside, it's outrageous that you would question my patriotism.
I would never say some fuckshit like that to a fellow American. Sure, I may think some are misinformed, maybe misguided... But to say that they hate America?
I guess I have more faith in my countrymen than you do.
@deeplydisturbed I thought I told you not to talk to me again. You're a retard and a bitch.
Come to Kentucky and I'll break your goddamn fingers so you learn manners on the Internet .
You got pissed off because I disagreed with your views.
I can tolerate a lot of bullshit but when you had the fucking audacity to say that I hated America, we were (and still are) done.
Don't fucking talk to me again.
Oh, and you wouldn't say it to my face because I'd beat the shit out of you.
I don't kink shame
I don't deal with people who disrespect me. He wouldn't talk to me like that in real life, so he shouldn't talk to me like that here.
But I respect you trying to be the peacemaker.
I was 100% with you until that last paragraph. WTF, dude?
It was especially jarring having just reread this old post of yours yesterday while I was trying to find one from MSNBCorpheus. And I quote:
First, I tend to keep an eye out for ad hominem attacks. They are usually a sign that someone lost an argument so they go after the person. Just an FYI
You're better than this, and @Problematic_Browser deserves better than that.
And fuck you both for saying fuck you to each other, and in the process stealing @goodmansaysfuckyou's schtick!
You both get vcards.
Now kiss and make up.
Oh, and a couple of things:
If you can't have a disagreement without making personal attacks, just don't fucking bother.
- Fuck you for claiming I hate America when I've probably done more in its service than 97% of the people you know.
Well, you drank the entire pitcher of kool-aid.
There isn't anything I can say to you or show you because you do not live in a world of facts, you accept propaganda.
Time will demonstrate how wrong you are. Best of luck, hope we make it.
Well, who do you trust?
Trust is a spectrum. Whom do I trust implicitly? No one. But I'm plenty willing to extend the benefit of the doubt to anyone who is willing to audit the government and expose all the corruption.
As the Romans would say, qui bono?
I'm not sure how to say "we all do" in Latin, and I don't want to end up saying something as butchered as "Romani eunt domum".
[link from NPR]
I could see why this would be concerning if it were from a reliable news source. However, National Proletarian Radio is a propaganda tool of the DNC, hopefully soon to be stripped of taxpayer money: