1mo ago 5th Generation War
moralise a literal hand gesture? Did
If you did that during your daughter's graduate speech, I would tell you how it looked like.
I wouldnt ask you what it was.
Id considered it rasher hilarious.
More so, you wife should start to call you "my dictator" in bed.
1mo ago 5th Generation War
She hadn't gone full crazy yet back then.
This kind of crazy is not born in (what) 1-2 years.
Cant bothered to search for a deep musk gap.
1mo ago The Hub
@Lone_Ranger and after the event the data will always be skewed. Part of the representative sample is dead or altered forever.
The only factor that can be measured and be fairly accurate are defects of the newborns.
Excluding defects that cant be seen under a microscope.
1mo ago 5th Generation War
core function of money laundering out of the US Treasury and into CIA black ops.
Sinse this money is untraceable, Also a convenient way of laundering money for influence of an nternal affairs, own pockets... lterally anything.
with unvetted personnel collecting very sensitive data about Americans with zero accountability much less
The same can be said about the executive orders from the first week. He just came up with them during the breakfast and made an announcement later that day, right from a napkin.
How the hell he could have them ready that early after being sworn in?!
But seriously, what you see as a loose attachment of musk and trump was so quiet, not to spook the prey. Thinking otherwise takover of twitter could be seen as a far reaching plan. Even the twitter takeover was a theater. From the media coverage it looked like they forced musk to buy it after "meddling" with its stock value, by the "fake" comments to buy it
into "The System" their whole lives, such as Medicaid, Social Security, Veteran's Benefits, etc
Lets go back to the beginning of your post.
launder money into dark ops
Having 2 brain cells and arguably there are an intelligent psychopaths working for the gov, "they" might also transfer the money to the nonexistant people. You can cut off financing for the POLITICO, 1min clean cut. But no one would dare to go for such and such
BTW. Got nothing to do with USa.
With the vast possibilityis they get up there, they could even fuck the toddlers and noons wold know.
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