1y ago TRP Shit-Posts (SATIRE)
this song is so gay, that they should close The Cavern and re-open it under Lilo Wanders management.
Untouchable groups en.wikipedia.org/wiki/list_of_sexual_abuses_perpetrated_by_groups
I have known and still know disturbed people that has lost the way in other departments of their life and still work there.
@Lionsmane8 anything you have at home and you sound convincing it is interesting or have a use at the given moment, bonus if you have mentioned it beforehand: jedi light saber, table from car engine, collection of stamps, punnet of raspberries, chain and cuffs - artefact from 18th century...
TwoX feminist "ridicules" incels for believing that all women belong in top-males' harems
We shouldn't right out reject the point.
They might be so low quality that the only actor they would be able attract is Shreque [French cousin of Shrek, which is even more virtual than original].
yeah, I like it in many aspects of my life, when I piss, shit, gym, think of something nice and fuck [mostly the latter and I'm disappointed when circumstances do not allow it]. Call it small pleasures.
I had in my tabs redpilldad blog for so long without reading, it went dead.
I have never managed to read more than 2 things on it.
I will archive this website link here
Text Game Cheat Sheet
Yet guys in this generation cry over a girl not texting them back.
Everything is relative. It takes quite a processing power to put yourself, as close as possible, into some else's shoes, to advise them well and in a well adjusted way to their life circumstances. Hence we have SOPs on TRP, that will work for most.
Whoever in trenches, whoever waiting for text, they are in different places