4mo ago The Hub
My sister helpfully suggested just hopping along with a crutch under my right arm and both left limbs held out
I get there's no choice sometimes, but that screams much more injuries.
You were mentioning internal getting organs getting battering. IDK seems you want to test them out further.
Some device on the wheels would probably be helpful.
My middle finger is still numb and warm to the touch,
As a doctor I can say it is a good idea to keep an eye on it.
4mo ago The Hub
out of curiosity, looked up what happens
"I was bored as fuck and decided to check a gossip column about Jenna Jameson and Fox Star relationship. One thing led to another"
it pretty clear I want to be thinking very unsexy thoughts until I get this damned tube out
BTW. god listened to you when you said you have not time to learn linux. Don't tell me there is no god.
4mo ago WhereAllTheGoodMenAre
They wipe with their left hands,
Yeah it's true, they use the other one to keep the balance touching the grassound
4mo ago WhereAllTheGoodMenAre
@woodsmoke Jamilia is some standard issue black entitled woman [think 'ain't nobody got time for that'], the dude from picture is a super old meme. Question? Just the opinion, you one never know when will that handy in life. Plus:
Karen, Jamilia, spinster would probably be spiting the venom, seen it in the hospitals.
I'd go for Chad, or what you have described.
4mo ago The Man-Hood
@Typo-MAGAshiv The Greek mythology was my second love. My first love were folk tales from my country. Shit firstLight talks about sparks that memory a lot. I was reading a lot but these were the early teenage years and no much stayed in my easily available memory.
4mo ago The Hub
A record 73 women were elected to the Lower House in Sunday’s general election, making up about 16% of the membership of the chamber. The percentage remains way below a global average of 27%, however. it still fell short of the government’s goal of having 35% of Lower House election candidates composed of women by 2025. The LDP released a plan in 2023 to triple the percentage of its lawmakers who are women to 30% in the next decade. With the latest election, the percentage of its female lawmakers in the Lower House is 9.9%.
Few more years and this nick name will be a prophecy
4mo ago WhereAllTheGoodMenAre
yet having to ask a girl who looked like she's barely out of puberty to literally wipe my own ass for me
Assume you have a choice, who would you prefer to help you out
- girl 19
- boy 19
- spinster 31
- bloke 31
- Karen 44
- Chad 44
- Jamilia 44