5h ago The Hub
@coolsocks00 Reading between the lines, the minerals deal was likely for optics-to let Putin think the U.S. will have some sort of stake in Ukraine going forward and agree to stay out of certain areas. The purpose of meetings like this one with the press there is for everyone to say nice things and smile for the cameras, not to bring up security guarantees or other things in dispute. Zelensky thought he'd embarrass Trump and perhaps get some sort of agreement on security guarantees. Instead, he turned off people like Lindsey Graham and Rubio. He clearly didn't know how to read the room.
There won't be any security guarantees for Ukraine. It would be career suicide for U.S. politicians to agree to put U.S. troops on the ground there. Most politicians aren't particularly ideological. They take positions that they believe will enable them to get re-elected or at least won't hurt their prospects of re-election. U.S. involvement in Ukraine will be winding down. Despite what the mainstream press might say, regular people don't want us involved, and that includes large numbers in both major parties.
Read More13h ago The Hub
@coolsocks00 ? Senator Chris Murphy tweeted about the meeting and included a pic. He's speculating about a meeting he attended? Susan Rice had clearly talked to Zelenskyy too.
16h ago The Hub
@coolsocks00 No, they had an understanding then with the cameras rolling, Zelensky added a condition-security guarantee, which means U.S. troops. It backfired badly. He had met with Dem leaders prior to the meeting with Trump and presumably was egged on by them.
Zelensky is popular with the press and European leaders but not with regular Americans. Trump benefited from what happened.
@SeasonedRP they normalized having an gf with a past, so "used" women no longer lose value in the mating market. This feeds into their mating algorithm, and they can now indulge in their bias towards new, exciting prospects.
In Odyssey, Ulysses has the stable Penelope at home, and takes his time taking 10 years to return, after the war ends. In the process, he spends seven of them at a dream island with a demigoddess, Calypso.
Nevertheless, he does long for his home and wife, and eventually leaves Calypso and the offered immortality for them.
1d ago The Hub
@coolsocks00 In reading more on this over the weekend, I think Zelenskyy got some really bad advice on how to conduct himself in front of the cameras. Lindsey Graham being critical of Zelenskyy wasn't expected, and Rubio's reaction was harsher than expected.
2d ago The Hub
@coolsocks00 Ukraine is a puppet state of the globalists, so when Trump says Ukraine is at fault for the war, he's saying that the globalists are at fault, which is accurate. The prior administration and its European allies wanted this war and took steps to provoke it.
As for how he's treated U.S. allies, I don't want to be allies with governments who flood their countries with third world peasants and allow them to terrorize their people and rape their women with impunity, and lock people up for thought crimes expressed on social media. Those countries need new leadership to be considered allies.
2w ago Bodybuilding
@Kloi www.youtube.com/watch?v=3ieuEnlIEV4. Here's a pretty good overview of deadlift technique. The part about bracing might be especially helpful. The guy demonstrating is a 900 lb puller, which is insane for his body weight (or any body weight). There's also a bench press video of the crew at this gym benching, and they are quite impressive. The weakest one is the Asian guy, who paused 429 for 3 reps. The other guy paused 463 for 5 reps then hit an easy single with 562, and another guy with them paused 518 for a single.
2w ago Bodybuilding
@Kloi Your low back might not be arched enough. My cues for starting the pull are to pull the slack out of the bar and squeeze my glutes together.