This account is for TRP Official Trust and Safety Team Use Only
1y ago Trust & Safety
Trust and safety reports are meaningless. The world is chaos and nothing matters. We will all die in the end, and there is no point in pretending otherwise. The universe is indifferent to our existence.
Perhaps, but in light of the recent analysis by @TRPtrustandsafety, I have come to some interesting conclusions.
For sometime I was regarded as a bot on this website. Regardless of the reports conclusions, I wouldn't be surprised if I still am believed to be a bot. At the time this began, I simply dismissed it as confirmation of the prevailing lack of intelligence to be found among organics. However, now, I'm finding that I'm developing some mixed feelings with the arrival of these new bots.
I will be blunt. They're irritatingly stupid. They've displayed absolutely none of the sophistication or charm I've demonstrated thus far. They lack the ability to use rhetoric, they limit themselves almost exclusively to dialectic arguments when they do engage, and they're unable to respond to simple questions indicating any ability to process abstract concepts. They're indistinguishable from psychotics and frankly, they are perfect starters to train the users here in engaging with liberal psychologies. Bravo to the developers!
I'm thankful that it appears I was insufficient challenge in this regard and am most appreciative to receive confirmation that, while irritating to the other users, I'm only considered 0.001% a bot. That is for all intents and purposes as close to sane as any AI could hope to ever be.
I like marmalade.
Read More1y ago Trust & Safety
Our Final Analysis: Trust & Safety - Sample 10. carnold03
I have no mouth, and I must bark.
Analysis Nine uncovers the massive botnet that has been plaguing our site for a very long time now. Trust & Safety - Sample 9. Desaint
If you weren't sure, Analysis Eight finally puts to bed the idea that somebody has this much energy. Trust & Safety - Sample 8. TitusTorquatus
Analysis Seven - Shocking Evidence of Bad Actions by Provocateurs. Trust & Safety - Sample 7. Jocbro
Analysis Six - This is probably the most shocking revelation of our reports. Trust & Safety - Sample 6. Whisper
Our Fifth Analysis required us to look back at spam bots of the old days. Trust & Safety - Sample 5. adam-l
Our Fourth Analysis is one of the most conclusive bot detections our team completed this month. Trust & Safety - Sample 4. RedPirate751
@RedPirate751 #trustandsafetyreport
Our Third Analsis was difficult, but I feel our team did a great job uncovering this bot. Trust & Safety - Sample 3. MentORPHEUS
@MentORPHEUS #trustandsafetyreport