6y ago The Hub
/trp isn't BANNED, its QUARANTINED. Subverting established vocabulary is a page out of the Extremist Ideology playbook. Words and word choice matter. Don't stoop to their level (unless its to prove you can fight dirty better than they can).
6y ago The Hub
@Noblefiz every morning, imagine the man living your ideal life meeting the man who lives your life of mediocrity meeting the man who lives your absolute nightmares. What do they say to each other? How do they act when meeting? Where do they go after, and to do what? What do the faces of each look like? Compare, compare, compare.
6y ago The Hub
#NoNothingNov -Cannabis -Alcohol -Porn -Non-conscious internet use -Sugar and refined carbohydrates -Coffee -Validation Seeking || +Daily heavy weights +1 gallon of water daily +1 hour daily of working on music +daily writing general NNN theme: easier for me to keep the tiger in a cage than to keep the tiger on a leash.