10mo ago The Hub
@deeplydisturbed wow
the feelings are complicated (on their side)
See my Mum's generation (aged 60) These Women don't feel like they've actually won, because most of them, I see Have hit/are hitting the "glass ceiling" right And also are fully allowed to blame their failure on the Patriarchy...if we use blame, people start comparing men to Hitler
The Younger Women...idk have been fed a load of horse shit and are looking at metrics like, world leaders and atheletes and saying that it's not enough they want pay equality now and not in the 50 times it will take for a power turn over and skills to be aquired...
What do you think of this culture of toxic shame and toxic accountability? While Woman have a free pass to blame everything else around them?
power grab
It has already Happened - globally
This is just their victory lap and the humiliation rituals playing out in real time
10mo ago The Hub
I appreciate that
Last century was one of the bloodiest centuries in Human History
This century I think we are going to see one of the largest power grabs in Human History
I don't think Machevellian techneques are beneath these people, it's already happening
School itself is so creepy
Here are my ideologies, agree with me 100% or I give you a bad mark, if you have a bad mark you'll have no future if you disagree with my ideas, we'll shame you
call you a Soft Cock, Small Dicked Incel, Beta Male, Unemployed, Loser etc. etc.
10mo ago The Hub
Does anyone feel like it's a bit like 1984 out here?
I went to a therapist to get help with my trauma.. But if I say I'm experiencing (toxic) shame
The therapist asks (me as a Man) What have I done? Not What was done to you?
Even I spoke to my psychiatrist about Gynocentrism
His response is "My impression of a concept like Gynocentrism is that it and terms like it are increasingly appearing from the internet echo chambers and its distorsions of nuanced thought and balance."
How can I get help with my trauma (semi-hypothetical, this is not the best place to ask, no offence), when even a psychiatrist has had his mind soiled by gynocentric ideas, feminism...he like us, was raised by Women he was dependant on.
So how can I get help with my trauma, from people who don't have a grip on truth and reality? Isn't that insane?!
Therapy feels like school, a creepy place where people try to re-egineer you with "complex" or maybe just bullshit narratives/ideas
I feel like a House Wife in the 1950's. It feels like 1984. A little more positively, like a creepy episode of sherlock holmes...
Can anyone here relate? I know there's tension between the groups but I think the next step for my wellbeing is to go talk the Men's Right Association in my town for a clearer picture of what is going on
Read MoreDo NOT change. It is better for your long term mental health if you walk away from this place ASAP.
The more you learn about reality, the harder things become. it is a journey to be sure.
A handful of men here (and some no longer active here) have horrendous stories to tell. I have my own.
Your idealism should be protected at all costs.
And whatever anyone things Feminism may or may not be - the movement has a lot to answer for. Just like a swastika represents more than just a symbol - it represents countless atrocities committed in its name - so too does Feminism, Marxism, the Christian Cross, and the Star of David.
The only accountability comes when their power diminishes.
10mo ago The Hub
@deeplydisturbed there's something to be said about Mothers
I think Mothers, realising they are already paired up (so out of the dating market) and their sons are suffering
Mothers might be the ones to actually bring some balance to this madness
10mo ago The Hub
@deeplydisturbed ok this is long but no need to respond
I appreciate the response
You don't need to respond to this but I hear what you are saying
I agree with the practical real life implications of feminism, marxism, the war on the west and
Jesus all of the gaslighting and lying around it. The 1985 stuff.
It's insane that it's ok for schools to teach ideologies to students, I think that's abusive.
There's so much lying and in practice, power, deception, human nature, bullying, mob mentality, stacks on. etc.
Feminism may have started out as valid, today it has morphed into a very strange beast, I agree. I'm not sure if that beast is complicated, or just simple but a lot of people (outside of here) won't let you say it out loud. Hate and bullshit, is not that complicated really.
I appreciate your stance. I agree, we live in the real World. Period. I want to look at the truth and only truth of what is happening. And if it's on me to step and grow, or pay for fair concequences of my actions, fine, so be it. I want the truth.
But I politely disagree with you and still hold that this idea comes from a place of love and without being naive of the Human (or Female) Condition, it is a possibility to creating a more loving World. And as corny as that might sound, that is my intention.
There are other forces in the World. Powerful forces that want to do you and me harm.
I faced them at University, I faced them when I was harassed at Work, I faced them when people didn't believe me or attacked me for speaking up about my pain.
But love, truth and compassion is a force too. (Star Wars reference) It's The Force.
The proof I would say would be the Red Pill Documentary. I just watched it. The Woman at the end said she is no longer a feminist. (I understand that MRA, Red Pill and MGTOW-sorry for saying it, are all different things. The Manosphere is big and I'm still learning). That's the mistake I made, not knowing the clear difference between the 3 groups.
To be honest I don't know exactly which camp, I agree with yet, I'm still learning. I don't have all the answers. I can't control anything that is outside of my control, like if this idea would hold in practice. I understand the need to protect this space. This post probably belongs more with the MRA than Red Pill, for now.
Thank you for your humility, I can see that I was being trolled. I appreciate your response.
Still I agree that my thoughts I've are in a way overly idealistic...then again, to push back, they are ideas.
Do you know that expression: "Seperate the wheat from the chaff". Feminism has been mixed in with all this shit (marxism, hate, supremacy god damn and more). People like to gang up on a collective enemy, especially during periods of collective (financial) suffering like COVID, or Germany after the great depression.
I think if at one stage you offered people a solution based on harmony and love. Some, some people would take it. But it would have to be geniune.
This thought is a seed but love can grow pretty big. My Reference Is: Typo's Mums Enormous Monster Cock.
Thanks again, I intend to take some time anyway to keep learning anyway, it's a journey.
Read MoreBro. Just stop. Typo is half serious, half fucking with you.
Let me make a weak attempt at explaining what I think is being said here...
The Red Pill (and possibly MGTOW - don't shoot me) are NOT movements, or organized efforts, or prescriptive in any way. As Typo said, it is a Praxeology (First time I heard this term was courtesy of Ryan Stone, so shoutout to him).
Praxeology is (in my own words) a pragmatic, non prescriptive set of concepts and tactics with the overall goal of adapting to reality. It is practical, non-judgmental, and (usually) logical.
Feminism on the other hand (again, in my own words) has numerous definitions. In theory, it is about equality of the sexes (typically in terms of rights and human respect and dignity).
In practice, Feminism is an ideology aimed at undermining Western culture to aid Marxists and Globalist in taking control of the factors of production globally. It main goal is to weaken male authority and destroy the family unit.
So it doesn't take much to see how Feminism and the Red Pill are diametrically opposed on several dimensions.
What I THINK You were trying to say is something like this (again, in my own words):
If feminists are being real, and honest, and responsible, the red pill should be subsumed under some future iteration of Feminism (be it 4th wave or otherwise). This makes sense because if women are being genuine about Feminism, they would see the the Red Pill is advocating for men - so it stands to reason that if women are advocating for equality of the sexes, then they should support Red Pill because the Red Pill is about men - and men are one of the sexes.
I get your logic. But we are a detail oriented bunch here, so while it stands to reason in a theoretical sense, it completely breaks down under scrutiny.
I like the concept, but I stand with Typo on this (not just because he is a gay virgin either), We MUST safeguard concepts and ideas.
And one way to do that is to keep talking and disregarding ideas that don't hold up.
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