"Don't live in the past, only the future can be changed."
Relationship Philosophy:
Spin plates, it's the only way not to lose in this climate.
@redpillschool #HeterosexualPrideDay If it's wrong to be hetero, what about MtF trannies who like men. Or FtM who like women? Are they wrong too? What's their day? We need a #transexualheterosexualprideday. And also one for the gay trannies.
@redpillschool The real test is to see if it automatically sets you to following Milo after the number starts rebounding, or if it leaves you deleted. Then you'll know if it was a server glitch or on purpose. #FreeMilo
@TheFallenSon That's what I'd like to know. Has twitter released a statement on this?
@TheFallenSon Twitter has no professionalism. Announce an API, pull it from under developers feet when their product does something they don't like--like be wildly successful and better than Twitter. A toxic ecosystem. If you don't own the server you are a slave to their whims.
@JohannesFactotum Even if it's a server issue, it's very unprofessional of twitter. Is it coincidence that Milo loses his followers right after the big controversy, and maybe tomorrow he'll have them back- but his subscribers won't see his updates in the mean time. That's gotta be by design. #FreeMilo
@TheFallenSon Way too Fabulous for Twitter's infrastructure.
This is something new that a lot of people are seeing, I've seen Shillary supporters complain about the same thing recently---some new exploit of Twitter's "feelings protection" system.
Once we finally ban guns, then guns will become less lethal! Great strategy!!
The reason Trump is so popular right now is because people see through the bullshit. The liberal media is trying to pretend there isn't a Muslim problem, and Trump is the only one with a sane voice right now. They're basically handing Trump the presidency!
Shoot, I need to update my bitcoin address! I keep forgetting.
Spin plates, it's the only way not to lose in this climate.