Secured a good career at 22, how to get in the field?
22 year old here living in SEA, been in monk mode since almost two years now. Did engineering from a top college, now joining a service that will propel me into the top 0.1% of my country in terms of both money and status in society.
The issue is, it wasn't a complete monk mode, it was more of involuntary celibacy and only studying. I am still an underweight guy who started the gym this week (4 days weightlifting, 3 days running), started learning quick chicken recipes etc.
In these two years, I read many posts of TRP but have forgotten them over time. Morevoer, most of them were related to monk mode instead of dating, shit tests, teasing, kino etc. I had two serious relationships but never escalated beyond oral so I am also looking for reading material on bedroom skills.
I have observed on my interaction with women (completely online or on dating apps), that I am able to talk to them on text and they get impressed but I am not able to do anything offline, I kinda give up before I meet them offline probably because of anxiety or because I don't really know what to do in a dating setting. Moreover, I am joining the military so I don't want long term relationship but the moment girls find out about my career, they start pushing for a serious relationship and commitment or maybe they see me as a nice guy to settle down with when I just want to get laid like a warlord before I leave for my training.
So, I am looking for advice on what to read about women psychology, teasing, shit tests, escalating, frame, being better in the bedroom etc. while I am building muscle simultaneously to max out my SMV. I have a printed PDF of the sidebar, should I read it cover to cover? Or should I read some posts or order books like NMMNG, She Comes First, The Rational Male?
There are plenty of #books to read to help educate yourself on the topics you're asking about. Did you gain anything from the ones suggested by us here several months ago? Also, something to consider, while we can suggest plenty of books for others to read, the questions you should ask yourself is do you possess enough prior experience to grasp the information those books may provide and are we making our recommendations out of sincerity, or passive disinterest?
Read MoreHow to find plates and rotate plates in India? I am in a tier 1 city (Delhi/Mumbai) of India and turning 22 soon, but have no idea how to do it. Girls tell me I am husband material but I don't want to be that, where do I find girls who want to engage in casual sex and have fun?
You go where females not looking for a husband can be more easily found. Start off with the tourist districts.
2mo ago Ask TRP
How to find plates and rotate plates in India? I am in a tier 1 city (Delhi/Mumbai) of India and turning 22 soon, but have no idea how to do it. Girls tell me I am husband material but I don't want to be that, where do I find girls who want to engage in casual sex and have fun?
I am looking for advice from seniors who are from conservative countries (India, to be exact) as the question revolves around spinning plates (or cheating)
Discovered TRP at 17, spent 3 years in red pill rage + browsing blackpill/incel forums
Now, turning 22 soon, started going out and talking to women this year and also got into a relationship with a girl but only last month, I know my bad, I shouldn't have given commitment. Suddenly, I have more girls asking me to meet (they are not aware that I am in a relationship with someone else). Now I really want to meet these other girls and have fun but my mind is pulling me back.
Prior to the pills, I just wanted one-girl, one-family, one-life type of stuff. If I meet go on a date with these girls then I am officially cheating, this is not who I wanted to be. Although the blackpill has helped me lose my feelings but I still haven't lost my morality. But I want to lose it. My mind keeps thinking what if these 4-5 girls find out about each other, my reputation will go down the drain.
And the worst, what if I get physical with them and they find out I am cheating on them, so they might file a r*pe case on me and brutally end my career as well as reputation.
What should I do? I know its common to rotate plates here but that's much more common in the West. Women all across the globe are the same though, hence looking for your perspectives.
As it reads like you've made a firm decision regarding the path you're choosing to go down, given the distances, I can't stop you. If your girlfriend's treated you as Ideally RP men are encourage to train their women to treat them, then be kind and cut her loose before you go down this path. Break up with her so you've both got clear tables going forward, and mentally prepare yourself for this journey in your love life.
If you're really concerned about a female making future false allegation of any sort against you, follow this attorney's example and invest into personal, vehicle, and home audio/video surveillance equipment, so that such situations are never limited to her word against yours. Publish those videos to the internet so her reputation gets more closely scrutinized. However, should you be fortunate to achieve your goal of casual sex, be responsible about it. Don't mislead the women into thinking that their time with you will led to marriage and always use prophylactics such as condoms.
Beyond that, consider investing into a reliable ready reference you can pick up and study to better prepare yourself for engaging the opposite sex. I'd suggest that you get yourself a copy of Doc Love's "The System: The Dating Dictionary". Doc Love, who until his passing was also known as Tom Hodges, wrote a weekly advice column that's archive is mirrored on several mens focused sites and a podcast. His media is a bit pricey, but it's a solid foundation a guy can branch out from in RP aware circles. I'd suggest you review his advice column to decide if his view on dating and relationships is aligned with what you aspire for yourself. To save yourself a search, give this scribed link a gander to find out if his book is something you'd like to add to your library. It should also be available on libgen.
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