3w ago 5th Generation War
@Typo-MAGAshiv the typical left response to the tradcon portrait of a family is to present the north east industrial urban family, which was definitely not a norm.
4w ago 5th Generation War
@Typo-MAGAshiv a) you aren't wrong, but the portrail of industrialization and the impact on families in the US as the norm is not correct either.
1mo ago 5th Generation War
@Stigma the usual suspects have yet to clue in to the fact he does this shit to keep them busy with retarded shit, while his goons are upending the government. And don't get me started on Musk. He's a 100' tall bug zapper and they just can't help themselves but fly into it.
1mo ago 5th Generation War
It would appear the NYT is even waking up. No serious legal scholar for a hundred years thought anchor babies were citizens, until it became politically inconvenient to say so.
1mo ago 5th Generation War
@Stigma It's Trump. I voted for him and all, and would do it again, but he just repeats shit others tell him. He's certainly not stupid, but he's not learned either. There is a near zero chance he came up with this on his own and knows where it comes from. But frankly, hes a real leader, not some shithead technocrat or basement sperg, so that's ok.
1mo ago The Hub
@deeplydisturbed Former Mexican special forces? These are the guys that get into technical duels with 50 cals? This should be some entertaining drone footage.
1mo ago The Hub
@Vermillion-Rx Er.. my jokes work better when I see the whole thread. What I get for just clicking and responding to the feed post....
1mo ago The Hub
@adam-l The problem is they will never address the elephant in the room when doing "science" for this shit. There were separate organizations in Brazil and Italy warning of genetic differences in susceptibility to corona viruses due to gene expression differences related to key receptors. Africans and Mediterraneans were of particular concern, given long running genetic science before COVID-19. Well, oddly enough, a casual look would tell you that indeed mortality rates seem to match that, but since we can rarely even talk about such things, we will never really know. In other words, the science is all baked in trash now and frankly ignoring it will achieve the same outcome as trying to embrace it.
Just look at what actually happened...